The End (Slaxl) SAD

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The end :)

- munky


"You never give me credit, Rose!!!" Izzy Stradlin screamed. "I am the backbone of this fucking band! You're nothing without me!"

"Fuckin' watch me!" Axl spat.

"There's an obvious drug problem with you fuckers. You kicked Stevie out for shooting up heroin, yet you bitches snort lines every night!"

"Since when the fuck have you care about drugs?!"

"Since I realized how fucked up in makes you!" Izzy snapped, standing inches away from Axl.

Izzy, Slash, Duff, and Axl had finished a show in down town LA. It was like any other show, it went smooth, Slash took a shower, Duff cleaned his bass, and Axl did lines in the bathroom of the tour bus.

And Izzy snapped.

Slash had a feeling deep in his gut that this would be their last show together.

"I've had it!" The black haired man huffed and through his hands in the air out of distress. "I'm trying to get my life together and you're making it real damn hard, Axl."

"Oh, so it's my fuckin' fault?" Axl mocked. "Oh, yeah, blame it on the singer, always his fuckin' fault, yeppp!"

"Guys can we just-" Duff tried to speak up from his sitting spot on the leather couch in the bus, but Axl cut him off.


McKagan flinched, but quickly brushed it off. All the band members were used to Axl's sour attitude. It should phase them more, but habits tend to not do that.

"This-!" Izzy motioned to Axl's sweaty and tired post-concert body, "- is what I'm sick of! You're an asshole, Ax! You wonder why I dont give you respect, it's because you never respected us in the first place."

Axl tried to defend himself, but Izzy shoved him. The singer stumbled, but caught himself on the plastic walls of the tour bus. Izzy flipped Axl off.

"You see this?? Shove it up your ass, William. I'm quitting!"

Axl looked shocked, then furious.

"Don't you dare use that name on me, Jeffery!"

The red head lunged at Izzy, fire in his green cat-like eyes. He tackled his bandmate to the ground and tried to pin the man down, but his scrawny frame kept him from holding down his opponent for very long.

Izzy shoved Axl off and stood up to regain his balance. He fixed his tasseled hair, smoothed his shirt, then pointed a finger at his old bandmate.

"I'm done."

And he stormed out of the tour bus.

"H-He cant just do that!" Axl shrieked. "He cant leave!"

Slash has seen this before. Axl will get in this 'control' mode where he needs to control everything in the situation. If something doesnt go as plan, he flips out. Slash learned it's best to keep his trap shut and let Axl rage.

"I...." Duff sighed. His eyebrows furrowed together as he contemplated what to say. "I-I....I'm going with him."

Axl blinked, but said nothing as he watched the bass player get up from sitting. Duff shot his hands up in defense, afraid Axl would attack him.

"N-Nothing personal, dude. I'm just done... with your attitude, man. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Duff trailed off. He sincerely looked upset, but turned around and left Slash and Axl.

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