Terminator (Duff/Axl)SMUT

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God... I drew Terminator Slash (you can see it on my insta @/winter_pilot) and I thought "Hmm... Terminator Slash would be hot... What about Terminator Duff? Terminator Duff trying to kill Axl.... TeRmInAtOr DuFf tErMiNaTiNg AxL's AsS?!?!?" So yes... I'm crying okay I got the 'terminating axl's ass' part from Red (she's a stupid mother fucker i love her)





The room was dark, dimly lit by a small lamp in the corner of the hotel room. The place was small, but Duff didn't mind, he was only going to be there for so long. He sat by himself on the edge of the bed staring at the TV with a blank expression, watching, waiting.


The cheap plastic phone rang in the little room, the only noise there was besides the static on the TV screen, flickering black and white. Duff reached over, not fazed by the sudden noise. After all, he was waiting for it. His leather gloved hand grabbed the phone quickly, clenching the tan plastic tightly. A deep voice spoke.

"Your next target," 

Duff waited patiently, staring blankly ahead. 

"W. Axl Rose. Kill him."

And the man hung up.


It was a cold night in Los Angeles, California, but that didn't stop people from crowding up the clubs.

Scumbags. The man thought grimly to himself, glaring at two strangers making out in the corner of the sketchy place. Stupid fuckers, shoving their love in my face. Sons of-

"Axl?" A stern voice called at him, slamming their hands on the wooden table that sat in the middle of the club. Oh, no. Axl thought to himself, shaking his head.

"C'mon, man. Right now?" Axl whined, standing up to face the person the stern voice belonged too. "Jon, I just got over a breakup and you want me to get you laid?"

"Hell, yeah!" The man grinned, combing his fingers through his messy caramel hair, grinning dorkily and fixing his dangling earrings. "Chicks dig me! I just need your help."

"Really?" Axl gave the giddy man a dumbfounded expression. "Who the fuck would wanna fuck Jon Bon Jovi?"

Jon frowned and pouted, crossing his arms and stomping his cowboy boots. 

"Come on, Rosie! If it'll make you feel better, you can join in with me and the girl." He wiggled his eyebrows, smirking and biting his lip while looking his gloomy friend up and down. "We can make it a threesomeeee?" He sang, giggling like a dork.

"Actually, that makes me feel worse." Axl fake gagged and rolled his eyes, a smile dancing on his lips. "Sorry, Jovi, I'm gonna head home. I don't feel too good."

"But what about getting me laid?" Jon stuck out his bottom lip and twiddled his zebra scarf like a girl twirling her hair. "Please? For me?"

"Mm, sorry, Hun. Next time?" Axl stood up and pushed in his chair at the table, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. 

"Alright, fine. You owe me a good dick suck, Ax." Jon snickered and stuck his tongue out before waving at his redheaded friend.

"Of course, babe! Have fun and remember to use protection!" Axl hollered after him in a mom-like voice, getting weird looks from people around him. He snarled at the strangers, showing his teeth like a wolf, then stalked out of the smoky club.

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