stop fucking staring at me

Start from the beginning

As soon as I thought this, his eyelashes fluttered against his scratched cheeks, and his eyes soon opened. I tensed up slightly, but soon realised he wasn't going to do anything as quite frankly, he couldn't move.

"What happened?" I asked softly. I was genuinely concerned. Even though a month ago I wouldn't have cared to have seen him dead in a ditch.

He grimaced, trying to sit up. I pushed him back. "What happened, Harry?" I pushed.

His brows knit together as he wore a pained expression across his face. Reluctantly, he allowed me to help him stand. "Just some idiots." He hissed once he stood, and I almost felt bad.

I scoffed and wiped my hands along my jeans. He smirked and did the same, trying to conceal his pained expression. My eyes checked him out fully. He had a lot of layers on, so I couldn't see what damage was done to his torso. He wore black, a black shirt and a black hoody, all covered with a denim jacket on top. And of course, his ripped, black skinny jeans. His hands were turning purple from the cold and were stained with blood, knuckles scratched and swollen. His lip ran red from the small cut in the corner, and his nose was pretty banged up. I could see some cuts on his cheek, a black eye almost making an appearance too and I sighed. This was not the Harry I knew.

"I know that I'm quite handsome. But, I would appreciate it if you stopped looking at me like that." He spoke abruptly.

I looked up to his eyes again, worry taking over. "Sorry. Are you like, okay?" I hesitantly asked. I was still slightly scared of him.

He spat blood, wiping his mouth after. "I'm amazing."

With that, he disappeared into the dark night and left. I wasn't sure where he was going, and I didn't want to know either. I quickly composed myself and went back to my house. Locking the door this time, fully.

By seven I was laying awake, letting the cold October air send chills up my bare legs. I could barely sleep last night. I think I heard harry climbing into his room at about four, but I wasn't sure. I looked to the side, watching the clock tick slowly and huffed. We were going on a field trip today.

I hadn't been to art class since money. I was too ashamed to show my face, and just skipped and went to the locker room. He didn't ask for me that week, thankfully. But I knew I had to go back eventually. I thanked my lucky stars I had a field trip, or else last class on a Friday would have been spent with him. Awkwardly.

I pushed myself off my bed and stared at the sun peeking through the curtains. It wasn't as bright as it was in the summer, but it was nice.

We were headed to a mueseum, an hour drive from the school, and all I needed really was warm clothes and food. I did just that, and left the house by 7:45 in my warm sweater, jacket on top and leggings. My converse too.

The drive to school was quick, traffic seemed to be no problem today. I hummed softly to a tune on the radio and pulled into my spot, the sound of music being replaced by the sound of chatty teens as I walked to the building. Why were people so fucking chatty in the mornings?

"Mae, hey." I looked up to see El, Avery by her side. She looked bored, mainly uninterested. I rolled my eyes and turned to El.

"Where's the bus?" I asked her. We began walking to form class, for registration and then to be organised onto buses. "It's waiting outside. I was sent to come tell you to hurry." She shrugged and opened the door for Avery. Cute.

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