17. A Safe Place For Cuddles

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Jimin wasn't entirely sure when he'd woken up but, after a while he became aware of sunlight streaming down on his eyelids, warming his face. He could feel a warm body under his cheek. He inhaled and could smell the comforting scent of his Jungkookie, sleeping soundly. Jimin hummed, utterly happy. There was a groan and shifting of blankets from behind him and Jimin realized that Taehyung was pressed up against his back, one arm around the human's waist. His mouth was slightly open as he breathed. Jimin snuggled deeper into the warm bed, hugging Taehyung's arm tighter and repositioning his head on Jungkook's chest so that he could hear his steady heartbeat. To his relief, Jungkook's temperatures felt almost back to normal. He smiled, glad that they were safe. Taehyung's sleepy voice came from behind, his arm squeezing him snugly.

"Good morning beautiful." Jimin tuned around in the fox's embrace, nuzzling his face into the crock of his neck and breathing in his smell.

"Good morning Tae." He could feel Taehyung placing gentle kisses on his head and temples. Jimin relished the attention. They lay there for a while before Jungkook groaned sleepily. He reached for Jimin and Taehyung groggily. The fox and the human immediately scrambled to include their kookie in the cuddles. Taehyung crawled over him to the other side of the bed, careful to avoid the IV still in his arm, so that he could spoon Jungkook. Jimin tangled their legs together, facing Jungkook and wrapped one arm protectively around the bunny's waist, holding him close. The three dozed again in the morning sunlight. After about fifteen minutes there was a soft knock on the door. Jimin cracked an eye open. Yoongi poked his head in. Jimin smiled at him. Yoongi glanced at the other two, fast asleep, and went to kneel by Jimin's head.

"Good morning" he said. Jimin signed in contentment.

"Morning!" He whispered.

"So Hoseok sent me down to see if you guys were awake. He wants to take Jungkook off the IV."


"So... what should I tell him??" Yoongi looked confused. It was cute. Jimin grabbed him and pulled him down into the bed. He snuggled back into Jungkook's chest, holding Yoongi's arm securely so he had no choice but to join the cuddles.

"He'll just have to come find you." Yoongi laughed quietly at Jimin's stubbornness and scooted closer to the silver haired human. Not long after that, Hoseok's head poked in the door. He laughed quietly as he beheld the cuddle puddle then went to gently shake Yoongi awake. That was a mistake. Yoongi growled slightly and pulled Hoseok down on top of him, trapping him with his arms so he had no choice but to give in to Yoongi's cuddles.

By this time Jimin was sure that Namjoon and Jin would be confused as to where the rest of the members of the household had disappeared too. Jimin knew they'd show up eventually. Sure enough, after about 20 minutes of cuddles in which Hoseok and Yoongi had fallen fast asleep in the soft sunlight, Jin and Namjoon peeked their heads in. Jin looked startled, his mouth open as if to say something but Namjoon quickly shushed him before leaping onto the bed, pressing  everyone deeper into the mattress. Taehyung woke with a gasp as Namjoon's leg was pressing on his chest. Yoongi groaned, now being squished underneath the combined weight of Hoseok and Namjoon. Jimin giggled and wrapped his arms around the deer's waist. Jin laughed at Jungkook's expression as he looked groggily around at everyone who had apparently magically appeared on his bed.

"Come on you guys, you're suffocating Jungkook. Besides, he doesn't even know who half of you are yet. Let's get properly introduced before we start a cuddle puddle." Jin placed his hands on his hips in a very stern, motherly fashion. "Come on! Up!" Yoongi laughed.

"Jin-hyung, I'm pretty sure it's too late to stop a cuddle puddle."

"Even so, let's still get introduced."

"Also," Hoseok interjected. "I gotta take out Jungkook's IV before someone accidentally bumps it or something." Namjoon groaned but reluctantly slid off the bed, freeing everyone else to do the same.

Once everyone was sitting at the foot of the bed and Jungkook was sitting up, Taehyung and Jimin on either side of him, Hoseok went about removing his IV while the rest of the household introduced themselves.
"So..." Jin started slowely. "I don't know about the others but I, for one, would like to know how you three ended up on the streets in the first place and how you, Jimin, ended up with those injuries on your back." Jimin looked down at his hands nervously. These people seemed nice but there was still the nagging worry that once they knew the three were runaways, they would send him, Taehyung and Kookie back to their old home. Jimin couldn't stand that. He glanced at Taehyung who cleared his throat.

"It's, uh... its complicated..." Jimin could see Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok all smiling encouragingly and he felt a bit better. No one could send them back to Dowoon after hearing what he'd done to them right? Especially people nice enough to take in three strays off the streets.

"It's alright." Namjoon said comfortingly. "You don't have to be scared of us. Taehyung cleared his throat again then nervously told the four hyungs about Dowoon and what he'd done to them, Jimin in particular. He told them how they'd escaped and how they'd been living on the streets ever since. That is, until Jungkook had gotten sick and Hoseok had found the three of them.

Once he was done, everyone sat in silence, thinking about what they'd learned. Finally Hoseok spoke.

"Well, it's almost your birthday, right? After that he can't claim custody of you right?" Jin nodded.

"You said the 13th of October right?" Jimin nodded. "Then that's only about two weeks away. You three can lay low here until then. I'm a lawyer so it's likely I can free you two," he directed his words to Jungkook and Taehyung."

Jimin couldn't believe it. Not only was Jin willing to not turn them in, he was actually offering to help them! Without thinking, Jimin launched himself at Jin, tackling the older man in a hug.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" His voice was muffled by Jin's sweater. Jin was taken aback for an instant but then laughed and hugged Jimin back.

"You are welcome."

Inevitably of corse, there were lots more cuddles after that. Even though they had a hard time fitting all seven of them on the bed, they managed.

YAYYY MORE CUDDLES!! You can never have too many cuddles. 😊💗
As always, questions and comments welcomed!

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