2. A Place For Healing

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So basically Namjoon's life sucked. He moped as he waited in line to get his breakfast. He no longer had a home he wished to return to, and he was stuck in some animal shelter full of dogs and cats which, being a deer, made him nervous. He was, quite literally, prey after all. It's not like he had any relatives to turn to or any friends to take him in. Things were looking pretty bleak.
At least he didn't have to live with his over dramatic, stuck up, hybridphobic, druggie, half brother anymore. He reflected melodramatically as he took a seat at an empty table in the corner of the dining room. He took a tentative bite of the grayish scrambled eggs and grimaced. Of corse, on top of all that, the food just had to be shit too.
Ugh. Namjoon groaned as he collapsed face first back onto his bed. The motion made his ribs and back yank painfully along his stitches from the hospital but Namjoon ignored them.

"What the hell am I supposed to do here?" He complained to himself.

Just then there was a knock on his door.
"Yeah?" He called out, rolling onto his back and staring up at the sunny yellow ceiling.

The door opened slowly and a silver haired young man with the ears and tail of a Russian blue, about 20 years old Namjoon guessed, peaked his head in.

"You're Namjoon-hyung right?" Namjoon shrugged. The man seamed to take this as a yes. "Hey. My name is Min Songjae. I'm here to give you the rundown on your position as we understand it. Can I come in?" Namjoon sat up and nodded his consent.
"So you're saying..." Namjoon said slowly, "that I can either live here until I'm healed then leave and live on my own or," and this thought was a bit more than he was willing to consider, "I could go up for adoption and possibly be bought as a pet..." Songjae seemed to sense the nervousness and disgust in Namjoon's voice because he let out a short laugh.

"It's not as bad as you make it sound." Songjae said soothingly. "We don't sell hybrids as sex servants like a lot of places do, for one, only as companions, caretakers or household keepers. And you're always allowed to say no if someone wants to adopt you who you don't feel comfortable with. Plus most of our buyers are fairly wealthy and will keep you safe and well cared for. You would most likely never have to worry about having a job ever again, unless you wanted to of corse." Namjoon considered Songjae's words. He'd never before seriously considered becoming a pet. The idea repulsed him however, the thought of living alone as a hybrid, and prey to boot, was fairly terrifying. Not many companies would employ hybrids, especially un-owned ones. Even if he did get a job, he wouldn't get payed as much as a human. Even though the world was slowly opening up to his kind, hybrids were still the victims of almost 80% of hate crimes and were treated as lower than humans, despite their shared blood. All those reasons made the thought of letting some rich person buy him as a companion a bit more inviting all around.

"Can I maybe have some time to think about it??" Namjoon asked, glancing up at the cat.

"Of corse! But I do need to know whether or not to make you available for adoption. We want to get you up as soon as possible if yes." Seeing the doubt on the deer's face he said gently, "remember, you can always say no later if you change your mind." After a moments hesitation he nodded.

"Yes, sure. Thank you." The words were hurried, as if embarrassed. Songjae smiled kindly.

"Alright! I'll go and get that started then. I'll be back in about an hour with some paperwork for you to fill out. Then maybe we can see about a tour. Until then, feel free to shower, rest, whatever. The bathrooms are right down the hall to your left. Towels and soap are in with the showers and there should be fresh clothing in those drawers for you." Songjae pointed to the dresser in the corner. Namjoon nodded his thanks and, with that, Songjae left him to his own devices.

Chapter two down!! Again, remember, feel free to ask questions and leave comments!! I will read them and take them into consideration! ❤️❤️ I hope you're having a wonderful day! 😊🦋💣

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