3. A Storm And A Friend

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Jin was the kind of person who liked to live life to the fullest. When he was younger, he and his brother always used to love adventuring together, exploring the woods behind their big house. Since his father was a renowned lawyer (as he himself was by now) his loving mother and father always had the money to indulge their two boys and encourage them to have flourishing imaginations while still driving into them the importance of a good conscience, kindness and solid reasoning. However, now that Jin was finished with law school and had begun working in earnest, he realized how dull his days had become. Dull and, he realized, incredibly lonely. The people he worked with weren't the kinds of people he wanted to befriend so his only real friends were his two housemates, Hoseok, who he'd known since high school, and his black panther hybrid Yoongi. However, Hoseok and Yoongi had each other for company and it was very rarely, when he was with the two of them, that he didn't feel like a third wheel. Though Yoongi did work in the same law firm as Jin, he was a sectary on a completely different floor so at work Jin saw little, if any, of him.
As weeks passed, summer began to give way to the chill autumn breeze that came with late September and Jin's disquiet only increased. Finally one night it all seemed to boil over.
Jin was sitting at his computer in his office, the door to the living room ajar. It was late evening, maybe around 10:30 and Jin had to finish writing up a document for a meeting he had on Monday. However hard he tried though, he just couldn't concentrate.
"Damnit." He murmured as he heard the faint crackle of thunder outside, clashing with the pitter-patter of raindrops on the windows and roof. He re doubled his efforts to concentrate and just get the damn document done. The wind howled, knocking branches against the windows, distracting Jin once again. He sat back in exasperation staring forlornly out into the dark and the rain. The weather had always affected him strongly and this storm was making him feel jittery, uneasy, sad and just overall anxious. It wasn't a nice feeling. He stood, forgetting about his work for the time being and paced uneasily into the living room. Hoseok was on the couch reading since Yoongi was on a trip with a friend. He looked up as Jin entered the room.

"Hyung? You ok? You look kinda pale..." he asked, starring worriedly.

"Yeah... yeah I'm ok..." Jin answered absentmindedly. "This storm is just getting to me..." Hoseok nodded, understanding.

"I was gonna make some tea. Do you want any?" He offered, voice kind as he closed his book and sat up. Jin released a shaky breath.

"Yeah, tea would be nice."
Upstairs they sat across from each other, warming their hands on their respective mugs of tea.

"So..." Hoseok started tentatively. "Have you been... ok... recently? You seem off..." Jin sighed, knowing he couldn't lie. Hoseok would see right through it. Still, he was reluctant to share his problems with his friend.

"I don't know... I've just been kinda lonely I guess..." Hoseok nodded.

"How so?"

"Well... you and yoongi-ah are about my only friends... work is getting monotonous and I just feel stuck." He rested his head in his hands. "I don't know what to do about it."

"Hmm." Hoseok looked thoughtful. "Yeah it can't be easy having your only two friends also be dating." Jin shook his head.

"You and Yoongi are great and all... I just, ah. I don't know..." he trailed off into silence.

"Well..." Hoseok started slowly, "what if you got a pet?" Jin looked up at his friend, startled.

"Do you... I mean, do you think that'd really help? Wouldn't it be awkward?" Hoseok smiled.

"I know it'll help. And it won't be awkward if you pick the right one. Trust me, I'll help you." Jin smiled gratefully at his friends.

"Ok... when can we go looking?"

"How about tomorrow? I know a shelter that is very humane and has a good selection. We can go first thing in the morning."

"Sounds good." They finished their tea in amicable silence then bid each other goodnight and went to bed.

Have a good day!  😊

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