13. The Cat Returns

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Hoseok smiled at the cute dear hybrid, their newest addition to the household, as he ushered him and Jin in through the front door.

"Welcome to our humble abode!" Hoseok flung his arms wide, presenting their surroundings to Namjoon. Namjoon's eyes widened as he stared around the entryway. To the right and left were hallways while directly in front of them was an archway leading into a large living room. Hoseok pulled off his shoes, tossing them to the side of the door, and skipped into the living room.

"C'mon!! I wanna give you a tour!!" Namjoon pulled off his shoes and followed. The pink haired man seemed shy and quiet but Hoseok had seen, the moment he laid eyes on the hybrid, that there was more steel in him than met the eye. He was determined to befriend him and get to know the man. Jin laughed as he followed the two.

"Hoseok, if you aren't careful you're gonna blind him with your extremely extra enthusiasm."

"Psh no. Not possible!! That can't be me, I'm not extra at all!" Namjoon laughed and Hoseok could see Jin staring in wonder. There were practically hearts in his eyes. Hoseok shook his head, smiling. His friends sure had gone off the deep end but Hoseok didn't think that was a bad thing.

Hoseok lead Namjoon around the living room (which had a mini bar in the back corner, to Namjoon's amazement), into Jin's study, down the halls in the entryway (one of which ended in a large guest room, the bed in which was enormous, the other in a closet then a bathroom), back through the living room to a carpeted staircase that emerged into a sitting room with couches and a TV. Next he lead them into the kitchen, then into a dining room with a big table, then into his room, then another bathroom, this one bigger than the other, and finally Jin's room. Jin glanced sideways at Namjoon.

"So where would you like to sleep??" Namjoon blinked, confused. "I mean.." Jin blushed. "You could sleep in the guest room or you could sleep up here with me. It's up to you." Namjoon's cheeks turned pink too at that, and he stammered for a moment before finding his voice.

"I'd- I'd like to sleep with you, if that's ok..." A ridiculously happy grin split Jin's face at that. Hoseok felt a twinge of loneliness at that. He missed his Yoongi more than anything... luckily the moody hybrid was scheduled to return later that night, his flight got in at 11:00 pm. Hoseok knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night until his Suga was back in his arms.
Hoseok prepared dinner while Jin helped get Namjoon moved in. Seeing as Namjoon had none of his own things like a toothbrush or shampoo or clothes (he didn't want to go back to his old home and get them either), Jin took him to the store to pick some stuff up, leaving Hoseok alone in the house. They were lucky, he thought to himself. Jin was an established lawyer and Hoseok himself was a high-end doctor specializing in hybrids so the two friends could afford to live comfortably and take good care of Yoongi and now Namjoon too. They each could have chosen to have a house of their own if they'd wanted to but the two had been best friends for years and neither wished to live on their own. That was before Yoongi moved in but the situation worked so nicely that neither cared to give it up. They were each other's family and this was their home. That's the only way Hoseok could think to describe it.
After dinner Jin and Namjoon had excused themselves to go get ready for bed as it had been an exhausting day for both of them, especially Namjoon. That left Hoseok alone to wait for yoongi to get home. He grabbed his book from his room then settled on a couch downstairs to wait for his Suga to come home. He had only read a few chapters when he heard the lock click and he dropped his book, hurrying to pull it open. There was his Yoongi. He looked tired, his mint hair sticking up at odd angles which made Hoseok think he'd been asleep on the plane and probably the taxi home too. Yoongi uttered a startled yelp and dropped his suitcase which landed with a thump as the red haired man tackled him. Yoongi purred and wrapped his arms around Hoseok, burying his nose in his human's hair.

"I missed you hyung." Hoseok mumbled into the mint haired man's shirt. Yoongi laughed quietly.

"Hey sweetheart. I missed you too."

Hoseok continued to hold him captive for a full minute before pulling away, radiating contentment and happiness and grabbed Yoongi's suitcase and pulling him inside.

"What's that smell...? smells like grass in here..." Hoseok was surprised. He knew his partner had an amazingly good sense of smell but he still thought it'd take longer than that for Yoongi to notice something was different in their house. His grin made Yoongi look at him suspiciously.

"Jin-hyung found a friend." Yoongi blinked, not understanding.

"Uhh... good for him??" Hoseok laughed.

"No no! You don't understand! He adopted a hybrid!" Yoongi's jaw dropped, exposing his pointy canines. He spluttered.

"Wha-what?? Oh no, it's not a cat is it?? Hoseok!! You know I can't share!!" Hoseok laughed.

"Don't worry baby. He's a deer and he's really nice. His name is Namjoon. He won't take your territory. But hey, you gotta be nice. You know he's more likely to be scared of you than you are to be threatened by him." Yoongi sighed with relief and nodded.

"A deer hybrid?? Huh, I've never heard of one before."

"Neither had I before today."
After showering and otherwise getting ready for bed, Yoongi and Hoseok climbed into bed together. Hoseok turned off the light then groped in the darkness for Yoongi. His fingers found soft hair and silky ears before finding his face. He held Yoongi's face in his hands and kissed him gently.

"Goodnight Suga." He whispered.

"Goodnight my Hope." Yoongi replied, wrapping his arms around Hoseok to pull him closer before the two drifted off into sleep.

Nice bit of YoonSeok fluff there for ya!! 😊❤️
Haha 'The Cat Returns'? Get it?? Get it?!?! GET IT??!!!?!!?!
I'll go home.

Questions and comments welcomed as always!!

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