14. In a Dream World

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Confused images flashed before Jungkook's eyes. One moment he was running from monsters, the next he was falling and the next he was laughing with joy. Hands gripped his shoulders and shook him. Jungkook dragged his eyes open to look at his assailant. Jimin was saying something to him but it sounded strange and slow to Jungkook.

"Kookie? Kookie are you ok? What's wrong!"

Sweat drenched Jungkook and he shivered uncontrollably.

"Ji-Jimin-hyung..." he managed then he rolled over and gagged. Luckily his stomach was mostly empty and nothing came up. He raised a pale, shaky hand and wiped his mouth. Fear gripped him. What was wrong with him?!?! "J-Jimin, what's-what's wrong with me?" He gasped. Jimin's eyebrows furrowed with concern and he felt Jungkook's forehead. He gasped,

"Kookie! You're burning up! You must have a fever." Jungkook whimpered.

"One hell of a fever..." he trailed off, his head swam and Jimin's face blurred dangerously. He could just make out the human's look of surprises as Jungkook blacked out.
"-could be dangerous...." Tae's voice echoed in Jungkook's head.

"-not like we can take him to a hospital-" that was Jimin. Jungkook cracked his eyes open. Blankets were piled on top of him but he couldn't stop shaking. His stomach clenched painfully but even the thought of food made him gag again. Even the thought of water seemed to trigger his gag reflex. His head pounded and the world faded into black again.
His name was being called... Jungkook was faintly aware of it but the more he thought about it the louder it grew until it was right in his ear.

"Jungkook!! Kookie! Wake up sweetheart." With a gasp, Jungkook broke the surface of his dreams and awoke. Tae was cradling his head in his lap. Above him Jungkook could see a  cloudy sky. It looked like it might snow. "Here, take these." Taehyung held up two capsules. "They'll help your fever go down." Jungkook grimaced but nodded. Tae helped him sit up and gently placed the pills on his tongue. Then he held a water bottle to his lips and helped Jungkook drink. A few seconds later Jungkook gagged and V got hurriedly out of the way, allowing Jungkook to puke into the bucket they'd set next to him for just that reason. He gagged and coughed for a minute, Taehyung patting his back and gently soothing him. Once he was done he lay back down. The last thing he remembered before falling asleep again was the sound of Jimin coming over to sit above him and stroke his hair, the two others talking worriedly.
The next time Jungkook awoke it was by himself. Bright light shone down on him. He was shaking worse than ever, the blankets seemed to be strangling him. He cried out, kicking as hard as he could in his weakened state. Jimin and Taehyung came running, fear clear on their faces when they saw him. The bunny was drenched in sweat, goosebumps stood out on his skin. He felt warm hands on him, trying to calm him down but Jungkook couldn't hear their voices over the blood rushing through his veins. Suddenly there was a third person there. Some part of Jungkook noticed he had red hair and wondered why. Then people were lifting him up like a baby and carrying him out of the alley and laying him in the backseat of a car. His head was on someone's lap, he thought it was Jimin but he wasn't sure. The car hummed to life and accelerated fast, going who knows where. Suddenly the world seemed to tilt around Jungkook and once again everything was black.

Poor baby Jungkookie 😵😓😰 I've had a fever that bad before and let me tell you, NOT FUN. I had to go to the hospital and long story short, they ended up giving me morphine which made me hallucinate that my blankets were trying to kill me....

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