Chapter 3: Foxy or Toy Freddy?

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"Hey kids! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" Freddy announced, looking down on the crowd. He smiled the best he could, and stepped into the spotlight, listening to the kids cheer. "Wow! Would you look at that! There sure is a lot of you little ones down there! I'm going to need some help from my friends!" Freddy exclaimed, moving around to lock eye contact with different kids as he scanned the room. There were a lot of kids, much more than expected. He thought most people would be scared by the animatronics walking around, but they weren't! Which was great, of course.

Freddy looked to the centre again, as practiced. "Bonnie! Chica!" Freddy shouted, and some of the kids giggled as Bonnie and Chica stepped into their spotlights for a moment and then looked at each other, before stepping out of the light again as Freddy turned to look at them. "Well, I can't seem to get them out!" Freddy said to the laughing children, barely holding back a laugh himself, he loved to see children laugh. It made him want to laugh along. "Can you help me get Chica and Bonnie out?" Freddy asked, scratching his head with his free hand as he looked at the children.

"Yes!" Some of them yelled, smiling happily. "No!" the other half said, joking of course, but they were at that age where refusing was funny. Freddy went with the majority, which was saying yes.

"Well then, you better call them with me! On the count of three, we'll all call Bonnie and Chica, okay?" Freddy asked, and the children replied the same again, Yes and No's all over the place. "Okay, 1....2.....3!" Freddy said, smiling down at the children as a bunch of garbled yells came from the crowd and you could barely tell what they were saying.

"Did you hear that Chica? I think someone was calling us!" Bonnie said, stepping into the spotlight again. "Who do you think it could have been?" Bonnie said, as she turned to face the wall straight in front of her. Chica stepped into the light, beaming.

"I don't know, Bonnie! Maybe it was Freddy?" Chica said, still smiling afterwards. She was very cheery when performing to kids, she loved it. It was the best part of her day. "Oooooh, look at all these lovely little children! They look wonderful! I bet they're the ones who called us out here! Do you think they've come to see us perform?" Chica said, gazing down at all the children happily.

"Where are they? I don't see them! Freddy, have you seen the children?" Bonnie asked, changing topic in the performance. "I can't seem to see them!" Bonnie huffed, crossing her arms as some children laughed.

"Well, Bon, Maybe if you looked down you'd see them!" Freddy said, and Bonnie looked down, and jumped back, acting surprised and scared. The children giggled as Freddy and Chica smiled. "Haha, well, now that you've seen them! Do you think they'd like to see us perform?" Freddy said, turning to look at each of them in turn.

"Why don't you ask them, Freddy?" Bonnie suggested, and Freddy turned to face Bonnie and smiled, looking like he was considering it.

"I suppose we should, Bon." Freddy said, before turning to look at the kids. "Do you want to see me and my friends perform?" Freddy asked the crowd below them, and the kids cheered. Again, there were some 'No's. Freddy chuckled.

"Well, I guess that's a yes, then!" Freddy said, as Bonnie got out her guitar and Chica smiled as some of the kid's cheered.

After performing several different songs and the alphabet too, the band finally lead onto the next performance. "Guys! I think I spot Foxy over in the Cove! And Mangle, too!" Bonnie exclaimed, and the kids cheered happily. "I'm glad to see they've returned from their expedition safe!" Bonnie added, putting her hand to shade the light, as if she were looking out on the far coast.

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