"I'm-I'm uh I'm n-not ready for those y-yet.." She stuttered as I felt her heating up. I smirked knowing how easily turned on she could get.

"You will be though, it just takes a little time." Before I could give her more, I heard a throat clear behind our backs.

Jay got out of my grasp as she held onto the kitchen counter and took silent deep breaths. I turned around to see Kristoffer leaning against the door way, "morning Alpha." I smiled.

"Morning Steven. What's going on here?" He questioned as he looked at me and then at Jay.

I also began to look at Jay who clearly was still in heat, I think she didn't know that we can sense it. I pulled her close to me as she quickly held onto my hand when she felt my touch, "nothing important Alpha. We're just heading up to my room."

"What for?" He pushed. I clenched my jaws and saw Jay just looking down on the floor, avoiding the Alpha's gaze.

"It's nothing important. I just want time with my girlfriend."

He nodded, "with heat coming off from her? What kind of time will you be spending up in the bedroom?"

"This is none of your concerns Alpha. I don't mean to be rude, but we'll be upstairs now." I simply wanted to finish the conversation. Period. I didn't wanna keep talking him, we're both not as fond with each other. I don't even think we could stand each other.

I put my arms around her shoulder and began to walk forward, but he took a grip on my shoulder that made us stop our tracks.

"I'm not letting you take her upstairs heated up." I pushed his hand away and narrowed my eyes.

"Why is that Alpha? We'll do as we please now if you don't mind stepping out of our way, we'd like to my room." Why the hell can't we leave at this point? Why does he even care? She's heated because of me and he has no right to interfere something that he has no business in.

"Eric won't be too happy smelling and seeing his little sister be heated up. So if I were you, I'd stay here and calm her down where I can keep an eye on her." I'm done being nice to this prick, as much as he's an Alpha, I don't like him interfering with my business.

"Look Alpha, this isn't your business and whatever Eric feels, he trusts me enough to be with her and you-"

"Steven." I heard Jay say as she rubbed my arm, "calm down." I looked at her and relaxed a bit, I looked back at the Alpha and walked passed him taking Jay with me.

We went upstairs and got inside my room quickly, "what did he mean by me being in 'heat'?" She questioned.

I locked my door and looked at her, "you don't know the term?" I questioned as I walked towards her, making us seat on my bed.

"Hm no not really, mama never really told me about any of the heat thing.."

"Oh hm it's like feeling aroused, your body starts reacting to what I did that made you feel all hot. Did you feel hot?" I questioned as she nodded her head slowly.

"That's where the heat came from.."

"Isn't that what happens when you start mating with your mate?"

My Huntress Mate [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now