Chapter 11: The Mystery

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Zedd dragged Rian's hands while walking in a brisk pace. After he panned his sight from left to right, they dashed towards the exit gate of the Guild's base, all the way to the outside. Rian noticed that their speed was starting to get slower and she snapped away her hand, and slowed down herself.

Zedd startled by the snap, immediately looked back and saw a fuming Rian towards him.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Rian furiously wanted to strangle Zedd but he immediately held both of her shoulders with a firm grip as the atmosphere around started to get serious.

"Something is not right Rian... I can't put a finger on it... But something is way off..." Zedd intensely looked at Rian.

"The Guild is now investigating with this matter... How do you know something is not right?"

"I just know..." Zedd balled his fist and shakes as if crushing something inside.

"Sigh... I know a place where it can help us investigate..."

Zedd's eyes suddenly brighten up like a big bonfire and intensely focus on Rian's lips. To which, Rian replied by looking away with her face red as ripe tomato.

"The Guild has what they called a Seeker Room..."

"What is that?" Zedd asked.

"A Seeker Room is the room we used in finding the anomalies of the World Septua. It's also one of the ways to find the parts of the rogue deity."

"If you had this room, why did you pick me as your guide?"

"The rogue deity seldom interacts with other human... If a human had a contact, there's a possibility that the deity will approach them again..."

"So that's why... Then what are we waiting for?!"

"Let's sneak in to the back of the Guild's Castle at midnight... The guards usually have a shift after one hour... That's the only chance that we can use the Seeker Room..."

"Sounds like a plan..." Zedd grinned.

Zedd and Rian calmly walked into their quarters like nothing strange happened. Deep inside, Zedd's heart beats wildly as he thought about Rian's plan in staking out later this evening. Feeling his face getting warmer he tried to breathe in and out deeply.

"Why did I get so excited all of a sudden?" Zedd asked himself as he slowly regained his composure.

As the Guild's clock strikes midnight, Zedd is expecting a bell from the clock tower but he scratched his head and wondered what went wrong. Rian saw Zedd's disappointed face and just smiled and tapped her friend's shoulder.

"What's with the face?"

"I'm kind of disappointed with Guild's Clock Tower... It doesn't even have a bell!"

"Hahahahaha!" Rian laughed heartily.

"What's so funny?"

"The Guild's Clock Tower can't have a bell because the Church might find us hahahha!" As he smiled sheepishly Zedd tried to change the subject quickly.

"Let's go to Seeker Room now!"

Zedd and Rian dashed through the streets with stealth and caution. As Zedd was going to the front door of the castle, Rian stopped him.

"Let's go right..."

Zedd followed Rian's lead and they end up in the storage area where the food is usually stored. Rian panned her eyeballs from left to right and quickly dashed to the door that she saw the Guild's cook entered. Rian signalled Zedd to follow her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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