Chapter 3: The Preach

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Zedd never thought that he would travel through flying since it was so difficult to achieve this kind of skill. It is legendary because it is only given to those wielders who are special. But this is not the case for him at this time because he is granted access by the four guardians who are accompanying him. It's not just only flying, they're in an astonishing speed that you can only hear rifts of its sound and gusts of its air.

Few minutes have past, they've now arrived Zantrinio, the capital of the Supreme Creator's Church, it has been said that this land was set foot by the Supreme Creator himself, they are treating it as a sacred ground. It is now the capital of the Septua where in all wielders worship him. They now slowly descend on their way down into the balcony of the Archbishop's residence, Zedd tilted his body down and up, then rotating from left to right screaming with his lungs out, but quickly gained balance when another guardian assist him.

Still surrounded by the four guardians, Zedd now walked towards the room and he saw the Archbishop Nazru sitting on his table signing and reviewing some documents. Zedd cleared his throat, combed his hair with his hand and walked in a stride to the Archbishop.

"You don't have to clear you're throat... I know you're here..."

Zedd raised his right eyebrow and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry if I kept you waiting... But there are some questions that you need to answer..."

"Ok... So what is it?"

"You've been missing for almost five days already and gone without a trace... Where have you been?" Nazru asked.

"Five days?!"

Nazru got a book from his right side of his table, he put on his glasses, scans it with his index finger from top to bottom and he reads.

"On the 2nd Moon of the third night you're in the town square of Macoth, after that you disappeared. You've just returned on the 7th day in Ramas Forrest..."

Zedd's jaw dropped by the Archbishop's act, it's the first time that he knew that he was tracking him. Anger filled his chest, eyes stared in rage as he raised his voice releasing all of it to the Archbishop's face

"Why are you tracking me?!"

"Don't flatter yourself Mr. Zedd for we are tracking all wielders..."

Zedd was taken a step back and remembered the time that Dael was explaning to him about their organization.

"The reason behind it was there had been incidents where wielders disappeared without the trace. The group known as The Verity, kidnapping the wielders and stole the victim's Ourous for their own purpose. We trace the wielders by their Ourous, although we can't cover the whole Septua World..."

Zedd felt the urgency and tried to implore.

"Why isn't this announced in the whole Septua? This is a real threat!"

"We don't want to cause any trouble to the citizens. Especially to the kingdoms..."

"If you don't want to say this things to the other kingdoms, why are you telling me this?"

Nazru smiled and gazed at Zedd's eye without blinking, he walked towards the young warrior until they're a foot far from each other.

"Because you're the only wielder who came back after five days, unlike the others, they're gone for good. I bet that you've been in Eden, the only place that the Verity group lives..."

Zedd now makes sense to him about the intent of the Archbishop, he wanted to find this kind of terrorist group.

"May I ask what have they done?"

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