Chapter 29

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          Once I finished the letter I put it in my pocket, but then I heard something outside and I went to go check. When I get outside I see nothing at first then I see a shadow in the corner of my eye to the left and so I went there, I go over a bush and I (for an odd reason) felt like de-ja vu when I was walking around ready to attack. Then I find out why a minute later.

          What happened here was exactly like the dream I always had, but this time I got to hear what David said. Alex comes from behind and turns me around to face him then he sits on me. I struggle to get him off that’s when David comes from behind Alex and says “you’re going to get hanged in a few days, so we need the star to be there” and he smiles while he says it too. After David finished Alex pulls back his fist and brings it forward so fast that I close my eyes. That’s when I hear a thud nearby and I open my eyes to see Alex is off of me and David is no longer in sight, I also see Loki in front of me offering a hand.

          I take it and once I get up a hug him “Loki!” I say then add once I let go of him “we thought you were a goner, since you never woke up” he laughs “well I am now, so what did I miss while I was out?” we go inside the house and sit on the coach. While I tell him what had happened so far he doesn’t ask anything nor does he gasp. He only nods when I’m done “so what are we going to do now?” I thought about that I don’t know what really is going to happen. “Well I don’t know, but I found out that the enemy are planning to hang me” I say that’s not good, so now they have two reasons to why on capturing me “they’re going to try harder now then” Loki said “so how is Diana?” Loki then asked I smiled “do you want to speak with her?” he hesitates to answer but I count that as a yes and so we switch.

          I haven’t been inside my head for a long while, it’s nice to be here it’s all quiet and peaceful. I make it into a park for kids and I start to swing on the swing set and I start to think about Eloy, thinking about him made me sad. I couldn’t stop thinking about him though and if the Angel and Demons get me I’m going to be hanged and I won’t be able to kiss him, and yes I know that was really girly of me but I don’t care.

Diana and Loki take a long time talking but I don’t care, I want them to take all the time they needed to take. I just kept swinging on the swing and kept looking up at the fake sky wondering about thing, hoping the plan would work, wishing I had Eloy, wanting to be normal again. I sighed and looked at my feet I’m still wearing Briana’s old DC shoes then I started to wonder what would have happened if Mary didn’t die, then maybe I didn’t have to hide from anyone.

I think it’s past an hour until I finally see Loki blushing next to me I smile I think I know what is going on “hey, were you guys making out this whole time” he’s face got redder. I laughed I never thought they were a couple I didn’t get to ask anything else because someone broke through the window and grabbed Loki in the neck. I freeze in my position, there are about six people in this house and I could easily take them all out but they have Loki which isn’t good.

“If you come peacefully, we won’t hurt your dog” someone from behind says. I turn around with hands were they can see them and say “okay, just don’t hurt him” I could feel Diana’s rage combining with mine making it bigger. I see David and Alex come from the door and the guards move aside “now then, let’s do this again” David said “but this time you WILL stay there and you will die there” he kept going I look at Alex. His face is emotionless but his eyes are sad “only if you let Loki go AND unharmed” I say the guards moving forward to put handcuffs on me and once they do David goes to Loki and punches him in the stomach.

“You asshole!” I say but I couldn’t take a step closer to David because by then they teleported me inside the jail house for the fourth time. But this time we didn’t appear in my cell, we appeared in front of the desk of Mr. Dad he sighed as he looked at me “why do you have to make it so hard on yourself” I didn’t like where this was going “and that price is your life” well that explains what David said to me at the Forest of Animals. “So you’re going to kill the girl your Mary always wanted” I say I’m still handcuffed but I put up my hands ready to attack him, but he didn’t all he did was laugh and laugh.

The Girl Stuck with DemonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon