chapter 19

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I open my eyes to find myself in the playground where I would always come and cry by myself. I sigh and smile…I know where I have to go.

Briana well be mad is what I keep telling myself, I’m not going to visit my fake family, I only came for Briana. I run to her house smiling the whole way, after a few minutes I get to her house it’s an American looking house with two stories and normal looking windows (the house is a peach color). I know exactly each room Briana is, it’s in the back of the house with a window and porch below it. I let out my wings and fly to the window and land on the porch.

I regret not knocking on the window first, but I open the window and I see Briana and this guy making out! I surprise them and we all stay there like time froze us, I finally see the guys face….its Mike’s! “Ivy!” Briana says first and I snap out of being frozen “uh, I’ll came back later sorry” as I was getting ready to leave Briana come and grabs my hand yanking me into the room.

Mike seems to still be paralyzed but Briana says “where the hell have you’ve been!” she hugs me but she seems mad. “That’s what I came here to tell you, how long was I gone?” I say to her, hugging her back “you’ve been missing for two years now, and so had Alex and David” she said I sigh and Mike finally says something “why did you suddenly came back, where did you go?” I look at Mike and then back to Briana, I smile. “Wow, I’ really glad you didn’t just mope around about my disappearance, that would have not been a good sight to see” I said letting go of Briana I walk back to the window and sit below it.

Briana blushes “well um” she stuttered with her words “he was hot and um he thought I was hot too, then um he asked me to go out and I said yes” I laughed and I could see Mike next to her with only a faint redness on his face. “Well that’s good” I smile while they hold hands.

“Briana, I need to tell you something” I said as I looked at Mike I said “but first, I need to tell Mike the whole story” Briana gasped and I nodded “remember the last day I was here and you finally talked to me” he nodded just like old times I thought “well your right, Fairy tales are real”.

I tell Mike the story from the day I “died” till the day I found out I was a Fallen Angel and went missing. He didn’t talk through the story nether did Briana but when I finished he asked “how do I know, you’re telling the truth?” I smile and I get up from my sitting position and let out my wings. Briana gasped but Mike didn’t say anything but stare with amazed eyes.

After the saw my wings and felt it (they asked to make sure they were real) Briana asked “so where were you all this time?” I hide my wings and this time lay on the bed next to Briana and Mike. “This story is going to take a while” I say and I start telling them.

I tell them everything to the last detail because since they wanted to know I told them. While I was telling the story I kept thinking about how long I would stay, because if I stay too long they will find me and that would put Briana and Mike in danger, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to Briana and Mike (I’ll be mean if I didn’t add Mike there too, since there dating and all).

My story does take long and once I’m finished Mike has to go home I say good bye and I go to the bathroom so they can do anything that they need to do, to say good bye. In the meantime while they do whatever there doing, I look at the mirror. I sigh, I look like I haven’t slept in ages, my red hair looks like it hasn’t been washed since forever (which it hasn’t), my warm chocolate eyes are now sad looking and they look darker, but my skin tone hasn’t changed a bit (it’s still peach color with dark mixed in), and my left cheek I guess the doctor was right about the scar not going away all the other scars healed and vanished from my body.

Briana finally opened the bathroom door and said “he’s gone” and chuckled saying “took you long enough what were you guys doing, making out?” I get out of the bathroom in time to see her blush.

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