chapter 20

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We catch up on our lives (well on Briana life, since I already told her about mine). To sum up it up she was looking for me everywhere not stopping, asking people if they’ve seen my but nobody said yes, and then she met Mike by running into him in the hallways at school they started hanging out and surprisingly they had a lot in common so they decided to go out (but of course she didn’t stop looking for me, only this time when she wasn’t doing homework, at school, or with Mike).

I’m actually pretty happy that she didn’t just mop around and separated herself from the world and after we finished talking about her life, she told me I could take a shower (which was nice, considering that I haven’t taking one in like forever). After the shower I said to her “I don’t know how long I will be here, since Alex and David are still looking for me I don’t want to danger you” we both sat on her bed “I just can’t believe they would do this to you” she said laying back on her bed “I thought they cared for you” she kept going. I thought for a second, thinking how this would be if I were them “well” I said “at first they did, but after their father figured out the situation about me I guess they didn’t really have a choice” I sigh “I don’t know, I mean if they wanted too they could have said no” Diana said. “But there’s the thing, I think what really did make them hate me was the fact that because of me they didn’t have a mother to care for them” I say to both Briana and Diana.

Out of everything that happens Briana is still able to amaze me because she says “so, did you see any cute guys while you were hiding?” I smile putting my hand on my head “gosh, what I’m I going to do with you” we start laughing “of course I haven’t”.

We go to sleep and I finally get to sleep peacefully, it’s one of the best’s nights I had since being in the Animal World. What makes me even happier is that Diana didn’t summon me inside my head (maybe it’s because she knows how tired I am).

Morning finally comes and both of us (meaning Briana and I) are wake “are you coming to school?” I think about it but I decide to say no because I already missed two years and I know I won’t be going to college, so what’s the use of going now? “I’ll just go walk to some places, maybe just stay here, I don’t know I’ll figure out something to do” as she leaves to go to school I fly out the window to the top of the house to make sure nothing happens to her. Briana goes to the front yard as a car stops in front of her (it’s a drack blue Eros, with minor scratches on them but not all that noticeable and to tell you the truth it was really pretty), I get ready to attack when I see Mike get out of the car oh that’s right there in 11th grade now, so they can drive. Mike opens the door for Briana and does a little bow as she gets inside the car, I chuckle and I wonder if I had a boyfriend, would they have done that for me?

They dive off and I have this urge to follow them and since I have nothing else to do, I follow them. I put a spell on myself so I would stay invisible to any human and I start to fly on top of their car following them I wonder how school will be I kept saying to myself I wonder how many people have changed in the past few years “are you sure this is a good idea, I mean isn’t this like spying on them?” Diana said but I didn’t stop flying on top of their car “we’ve done worse, plus I have nothing else to do”.

We- I mean Mike and Briana finally get to school and they don’t seem to notice me, since I’m standing in front of them. The school didn’t change at all; it’s still the same huge and old school, there were a lot of people as usual too. “So did Ivy stay over last night?” Mike asks Briana as they walk into school, holding hands aw! So cute. “Yea, she did” Briana said then added “I fell so sorry for her” Mike looks at her “I mean she does have her life on the line, but she seems to like her life somehow” he’s right I do love my life “no not that, of course she does though” Both Mike and I tilt our heads “huh?”. “I meant that I feel sorry for her that she hasn’t had her first kiss yet” Mike laughs oh Briana thank you so much for that mind you have. But then I think about something, I have kissed someone…..I’ve kissed Alex on the way to David’s house but that doesn’t count I didn’t want to.  

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