Chapter 7

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We sat down on the benches and Ms. B was explaining the game “so the first to get three shots wins and as always, play safe” then teams started play. After two games it was the twins game and with no surprise they had Mike in their team “good luck” I said then they started playing, and in a few minutes they lost, damn they actually suck that bad it was hard not to laugh. They came back to the benchers without a word and with one more game my turn came.

The guys I’m playing with are Carlos, Andrew, and DJ (I don’t know much about them though). The teacher blows the whistle and throws the ball to Andrew he runs and throws the ball, wrong move. I ran and jump to catch the ball once I did I ran passing all of them (and if I had to explain it’s like dancing, or spinning in circles). Then I jump high enough to dunk the ball inside the basket I turn around and say “come on, you can do better than that”. The teacher blows the whistle saying “one point to Ivy” I smiled, again the same thing happened but much faster “two points for Ivy”.

But the third time when it was Carlos who threw the ball he threw the ball at me. I spuriously gained really fast reflexes from out of now where (I’m really bad at catching things that come to me) and I cached the ball with my bare hands, and a moment later they started hurting from the impact of the ball. Then what happened was a blur, I heard some screeches, I felt hands pulling on my shoulders, and I think I hear d my name being called, but when I finally knew what I was doing it was already too late. I was in the ground siting on Carlos getting ready to punch him but by the look of his face I already punched him about four times, I had no idea as to what I was doing.

What I’m I doing? I quickly get up and finally get what’s happening. All the girls where screeching because of the purple spots on Carlos’s face, coach and the twins where the ones calling me, and DJ was the one pulling me back. “Quickly get Carlos and Ivy to the nurse!” the coach said but I only stared at my hands not moving an inch, not until I heard a voice not mine in my head say sleep, and I will tell you what you need to know. Then I was in the falling to the ground and falling into deep sleep.

“Who and what are you?” I asked I didn’t know where I was, but I can tell you it was dark and I couldn’t see anything. “I am your guardian” the thing said “my name is Loki” he kept going, so this was all that I knew, that he was a guy and my guardian which to me wasn’t hard to believe because of the things I been through, I can believe anything. “Then why are you a guy?” I said “shouldn’t you be a girl since I’m a girl, and can you do something about this can’t you put some light on?” He chuckled “what?” I asked “you’re so calm and this is your mind do whatever you want” Loki said I thought about this for a moment and grinned “ok, if you say so”.

I thought hard and made my mind turn into a playground and made Loki and I sit in the swing sets, I was smiling but Loki looked surprised but he started swinging. He had brown hair and warm chocolate eyes that pop out because of his pale, white skin he had a tattoo near the right eye of a letter G and I’m guessing it’s to say guardian, but he’s clothes were weird. He had black shorts with yellow strips around them, his shoes were opened shoes but had the same kind of look of any other shoes (if that made any since), and his shirt was really weird though. It was a dark blue shirt on one side it had shot sleeve had paw prints on it all purple, but one the other side was a long sleeve that was plain. It was really weird.    

“If your my guardian why didn’t you come saving my in the Underworld?”

“Because I wasn’t alive then”

“What? Can you make more since?”

He thought for a minute thinking about a way to explain it. “The simple way to put it is that since you died, but didn’t you now have special powers, that’s how I’m alive right now and don’t worry I’m not only going to be in your mind, but also in the real world but only for important times.

“Okay then, but do you even know what powers I have, or what’s happening right now?”

“Nope, but we will learn soon enough”

“Are you sure”

“Yes, I am certain”

And with that everything vanishes away.

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