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Becuz y'all were hyped about the a/n being a chapter. I felt bad so I made a chapter. Luv you, thx for 3k reads.

Genji POV

I woke up along in bed. Clothing set on my nightstand, the other side of the bed sheets shifted around. Angela must've woken up earlier. I sighed, sliding the black tank top over my head and tossing on the joggers. I ran my fingers through my hair as I prepared for the day.

*later *

I creaked my door open gently and peeled down the hall. Everyone else's door were already open, so I set out to find them. I passed the guy called McCree. He gave me this weird look, I felt uncomfortable so I didn't ask him where everyone was. But then, I heard voices. "Jeez Mercy, your stomach is getting bigger everyday... what have you been eating?! I eat chips a lot and I still don't gain!" I heard a long deep sigh as I walked closer. "H-Hana is it okay if I told you something?" I stood by the door listening closely. "G-Genji and I.... are... intimate, and well. We forgot to, protect..... stuff..." I heard a gasp. "REALLY?!" I heard Mercy freak out too. "HANA SHHH!!!!" I decided I waited long enough and walked in. "What are you screaming about?" I smiled, Merc- Angela, looked over with a massive blush covering her face. "N-NOTHING!" She grabbed D.Va's (hana's) hand and rushed out the door. "BYE." I turned around with a grin on my face and snickered. I grabbed a granola bar from this box, (he's in the kitchen. :p) I sat down and sighed. Drifting off into space without noticing the door had opened and someone had seated next to me. Until. They broke the silence. "Genji." I recognized the voice and slightly panicked, turning my head rather quickly. "It's fine.." Hanzo said groggily. "I don't have my bow, and it's too early to do anything right now.."  (me) I slightly calmed and continued eating. "Do you know anything about Mercy and her.... oddly large stomach?" I slightly blushed but I played it off. "Uh, hold that thought!" I pretended like I needed to use the restroom and bolted out the door, and I could've sworn I heard Hanzo chuckle. No, there's no way.
As I wandered in my thoughts again in the hallway I just bumped into someone else. Ughh.... then I realized it was Zenyatta. The other Omnic. "Oh~! Hello Genji!" He sounded cheerful. Though, I couldn't really tell. He had no eyes, or even a mouth. So I just assumed. "Hello Zenyatta!" He floated there as I twiddle my thumb.  "How's Overwatch for you?" I scratched my head. "Its... about everything I've ever dreamed." My mind wandered to Angela. "Yep~" I said, not really paying attention to what else he was saying. "I have to get going now, Bye Genji!" He floated off down the hall. "Bye.." I turned back and saw the doors shut behind him. I checked the map on the wall and decided maybe now would be a good time to meditate and clear my thoughts. Then, I noticed they had a garden. I checked where I was and speed walked all the way to it. Enjoying the lovely smells of all the flowers, the soft chirp off birds, the gently drips of water from the fountain. Perfect. I sat in the shade of a tree and closed my eyes. Clearing my head, and pondering through my thoughts. Mercy...... she really did look, different. I should ask her later.

Why did that guy McCree give me that bad look.. oh yeah, he hates Omnics.

Zenyatta is nice, Hes hard to read though, he seems cool though, maybe he likes meditating.

D.Va........... complicated, energetic, just to hard to deal with. Headaches..

Hanzo. Hmm. I'm not sure.

"Dad" seems really intimidating. I would want to mess with him..

I ended up just falling asleep in the grass. I woke up too early anyway.

*lay tah*

I awoke to a small yellow bird cheiping on my nose and pecking my face. Along with the occasional "Beep boop boop." I sat up and scratched my head and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A giant metal robot was sitting infront of me with a bird on its shouldar. They seemed to be close. It maybe just friendly. The robot looked at me. And waved. And I waved back, nervously, obviously. It's beeped a bit and grabbed sheets off paper that seemed to have Mercys handwriting. "My name is Bastion. I can't speak, but I can hear you just fine. I was asked to wait until you woke up, and to bring you food." I smiled. And gave him a thumbs up. He beeped in a high pitch, seemingly happy, he passed my a plate  of assorted foods. Fruit, Water, a sandwhich, And a small spongey cake. It was signed by Bastion. It was kinda sloppy, but I got the feeling I would really like the people here. Especially the Omnics. (   ;) )

Stay With Me: Genji >< MercyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat