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Genji POV

I assume it was after the procedure when I woke up, It felt so cold, and painful. There were tubes in my arms that carried a strange substance into my arms. Mercy, was standing outside my door talking with another person. The two walked inside. Mercy had a silver helmet with a neon visor in her hands. "Oh! Genji your awake!" She rushed over her eyes glimmered and her wing fluttered. Making me blush harder. "We got your armour and omnic limbs on! We also have this helmet for you!" She handed it to me And I slipped it on my head. She leaned over and pressed a button on the side, he chest close to my face, I could help but blush. "U-Umm." She looked down at me and realized why I was nervous. "Oh my! S-Sorry Genji..." her wings were glowing massively, a small blush tinted her face. "I was trying to press the button the side of your helmet, it raises the visor up..." Pressing the button, I smiled as the visor came up and I could see the world clearly. Without the tint of green. I took of my helmet and ruffled my green hair. "Thank you for the suit and helmet, green is my favorite color!" I smiled at the Doctor. I only then realized the man was still there. Staring at me from the shadows. Mercy noticed my gazing and introduced him. "This is the commander. We all call him Dad." I smiled and waved at 'Dad'. I uncovered myself from the blankets and looked down. Green and grey Omnic parts laced my body. I felt ashamed, and sad. Uncontrollable tears ran down my face I thought about my old life. My father. My...... brother. I cried even more and buried my face in my hands. Bringing my knees up and curling into a ball. The commander whispered to Mercy and left the room, then Mercy came over. It felt like she was running her hands along my body. But I couldn't feel it. I couldn't feel anything. She put her hand on my face, stroking my cheek with her thumb and wiping one of my tears. I just started to move to her, sitting next to her fully and crying into her shoulder. She was surprised but then she wrapped her arms around me. Her wings glowed softly, I never wanted to let go. "genji, it's okay..." she whispered. Her voice so frail it seemed it would break. Yet it was so soothing. I stopped my tears, and fell asleep in her arms.


People were talking around me. Mercy was still close, I could feel it. A western sounding man spoke. "He looks like 'n omnic." He said disgustingly. "Well he isn't McCree. He lost his body! We had to do something.." It sounded like Mercy defending me.

"I don't wan' non'a them...."

"What about Zenyatta."

"I don't like him either! I dont like Omnic PERIOD."

"WELL THEN LEAVE!" She seemed outraged. Her grip tightened around my body like she was being defensive. I blushed. McCree must've been surprise because I heard no more talking and the door shut. Mercy shook my shoulder. "genji?" I pretended to still sleep. "Oh well..." she yawned gently and rests her head on top of mine, giving me a small kiss on my head. I blushed deeply.

Time Skip (sorry for so many)

There was a knock on the door. I opened my eyes Mercy resting on my lap as I was leaned backwards. I was a little shocked but sat up slowly. I whispered over to the commander. "I don't know what happened!" I was nervous about our position and what commander was thinking. "I know." He pulled out an encased sword. "I believe this is yours. It was shattered so we fixed it as much as possible and even made it better." I grabbed it from him. Untieing the wrap and pulling it from the sheath, the handle was still the same, the blade was new. It had a regular grey sword, with emerald-like gems shaved down sharp. It was dull. "When you first came, we noticed your tattoo. We have another agent. Who knows you, he said your tatoos you have on your remaining arm. Have a dragon soul, and we thought maybe the emerald might help." I smiled widely, not questioning who this agent was. I grabbed the sword and mumbled a chant to myself. A green light surged through my arm, from my armour and into my sword. But it got cut off, a steam and unbearable heat consumed my body. Mercy noticed my sweating and my suit heating up, she grabbed her staff and shot out a yellow beam. My suit cooled, I continued the process. The blade glowed but soon the power surged back. "I can't control it with this..." I sighed. Mercy patted my shoulder. "I can call the mech and install some vents in your suit! Then you can breath better, and not get to hot in combat." She smiled and took of my chestplate, my bare chest exposed. She blushed and quickly turned away, but not before the commander and I noticed. He lightly chuckled. Mercy cleared her through and turned back around, taking off my helmet and playfully fluffing my hair. I laughed and the commander only whistled a sweet tune. Mercy and I both blushed at each other and looked away. "I'll let you undress the rest of the way..." I knew what she meant. They left the room and I took of the lower half of the armour, I was only in my boxers, I gazed intently on the Omnic limbs. They were sleek, and cool. I thought about Mercy and smiled, a blush crept on my face when I saw I had a buldge. Mercy knocked on the door "Done?" I quickly rushed the armour off. "Almost!" I took the armour, put on some of my clothing that was set next to the bed, and brought her the armour. I opened the door and I saw her eyes looking downward then back up at my eyes. A massive blush was on her face and I then knew what she looked at. I handed her the armour. "I can help you carry it." I offered my hand. But she shook her head. "S-Someone..... wanted to see you...." A man who I didn't notice before crept from the shadows and revealed himself. His bow, tattoos, face. I knew it was him, my brother, Hanzo. My relaxed face tensed.

Mercy POV

After Hanzo stepped out Genji immediatley seemed tense. His eyes shrouded with fear. "Genji? Are you alright?" I walked to his side. Hanzo walked closer and Genji backed up, I could feel the fear coming off him. Hanzo sighed. "I'm clearly not wanted. Am I?" Hanzo gazed at Genji who did not respond, Genji held his katana tightly. His hand shaking. Something between these two wasn't right. It didn't feel right, "Hanzo, what do you mean." I grabbed Hanzos shoulder and gripped it. He knew I wasn't playing. "Genji and I have bad history. I'm leaving now." He slapped my hand away, "M-Mercy, it's okay..." Genji whispered to me, I gazed at Genji then looked back at Hanzo he had his bow. I reached and grabbed my staff, forcing it to spark a color I don't want it to, red. Hanzo saw the staff and turned, his eyes sharpened. "You wouldnt turn on an ally." I gazed at him. "I would if they were holding back info." He knew I wasn't joking, Hanzo put his bow down and sat on the floor. "Genjis killer. It was me. And I'm also Genji's brother." My spark died out, Genji was gone, his door was locked so he must've been inside. "Why." I looked at Hanzo. He scoffed and looked to the ground. "I had to. It was my duty." I mocked him and went into Genji's room, he sat on the bed. The lights were out and he was curled up. A green light shined from his tattoos. "Genji?" He yelled. "Go away!" The light began to form a shape. A dragon. It wrapped around Genji and formed a protective coil. It's eye trained on me.

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