16.Car Crash

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Millie's head was throbbing. She had no idea what just happened. All she could remember was driving and then everything went black. She couldn't move her legs and her chest was heavy. She couldn't push herself to open her eyes, it was almost like she'd forgotten how to use her whole body. She could hear people faintly talking, and light touches on her body. But if they were doing any real damage, she couldn't feel it. She wanted to scream or even sit up, but she couldn't. She was weak. She knew her family wasn't with her, because everyone was being referred to by doctor or nurse.

Why am I in a hospital

She truly did not know what happened. And she started panicking when she kinda sorta realized she was in a hospital. She had done nothing wrong, and even if she did it couldn't have been that bad.
Then something hit her, but before she could even remember it, she was knocked out cold by a needle. The room went black, again.


"Millie..baby...Millie..?" Millie could hear her mom calling her name. She managed to open her eyes but still couldn't really move her legs. Then she looked down. She realized her right leg was in a cast that stopped below her knee. Her left leg just had bandages wrapped around them. She looked at her arms and she had an IV coming out of her left one. Her pinky on her right hand was bent weird, but still had bandages around them. She also had scars on her chest. She didn't look good, at all.
"Mom...what happened?" Millie asked. Her voice hadn't been this raspy since she went to summer camp. (A/N • This is actually a fillie story that I'm currently reading and mind you that it's so fucking good. Go check it out!!!!!!!!!!eggo1obssesed1weirdo )
"You got into a car accident.." Millie's mom mumbled, but loud enough for Millie to hear.

Car accident...What the hell..

"Your friends said you were driving crazy. Then when you switched lanes, you started going even faster. Well, it turns out you weren't the only person who was going faster the the road runner. As you were switching lanes again, a black car was going extremely fast and you as you were switching lanes...he hit you. The car flipped. Your legs were pinned down, luckily someone got you or you would be laying here with no legs. Your pinky was wedged in between the seat and the scratches on your chest are from the glass. Your other leg has bandages because you had hot coffee apparently and it spilled on you." Millie was shocked. She knew why she had gotten into the car accident, but it wasn't worth getting so mad. She shouldn't have even cates...but she did care. For some strange reasons she actually liked these people, and as stated... Millie hates people.
"Where are my friends?" Millie managed to say. Millie's mom walked out the room and was out for a good minute. When she walked in Millie saw Sadie, Finn, and Grace. Millie's mom walked out to give the friends some privacy. Millie started crying. Yes, her friends were there, but why weren't the others there.
"Baby girl it's ok we're here now." Finn said as he sat besides Millie. His hand rested on her knee, which was numb so she couldn't feel anything.
"Where are they! Why aren't they here!" Millie shouted, hurting herself in the process.
Millie's friends looked around at each other. They felt bad, they wanted to tell Millie why her friends weren't there, but she wouldn't believe them... but her friends truly did care.

Grace's house- when the accident happened.

"MILLIE!!!" Grace heard Finn's loud scream through the microphone that was also in her ear.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" Grace asked, not caring if Iris or the rest of them heard her.
"Millie........just got in a car accident. Grace, meet us at the hospital. NOW! And with that, Sadie and Finn disconnected the microphone and camera.
"SADIE? FINN? GUYS!" Grace ran down the stairs and headed to the door. But was stopped.
"Why the hell were you calling their na-"
"Millie just got into a car accident and Sadie and Finn are the only ones who care about her!" Grace yelled as tears stared falling.
"So, why do you care?" Iris asked.
Iris stopped. Her cousin in law. Iris' number one rule was that she would never ever hurt family. And Millie was technically family...

What the hell....
So I'm sad to say that there are only a couple of chapters left. And this time I'm not kidding. The story will be wrapping up. But like I said don't worry...IM WORKING ON A NEW STORY. It's not a fillie fan fic story, but I really hope you guys read it. It's about a kidnapping😱😱😱 OH SHIT! Haha anyway this chapter was short but heyyyyyyy, cut me some slack. I won't say whether or not the next chapter with be long or short. Every time I do say, the complete opposite happens. So nothing will be spoiled about the next chapter. Hope you guys liked this short chapter. Comment comment comment, it's much appreciated. Love you guys ❤️💋. Just read over this story, it looks so shitty😭😭

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