10.Do you hate me

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Millie and Finn were startled. Finn hopped off of Millie then helped her up. There checks both flushed with red. They didn't make eye contact with any of their friends. They just looked at the ground below them, that all of a sudden felt like hot lava. They were embarrassed for sure. Especially Millie. For the first time in forever, Millie felt like she wanted to disappear. She knew Finn was no good but she couldn't help it, his touch had something against her. She didn't think she'd be caught, but they always say; if something feels wrong, don't do it.
"What the fuck were you doing to Finn?!" Maddie shouted at Millie. Maddie was over protective, and felt no one was good enough for Finn.
"Um Maddie you do know I was on top of her..." Finn stated to his angry looking friend. Millie got even redder.
"Right! So don't blame this on Millie, Finn is the fast Canadian boy. He probably pressured her to do this." Sadie said as she turned Maddie to face her.
"Finnie boi isn't like that, yes he makes out with hella girls, but that's only because they push onto him. So Millie could have been all over him." Gaten said as he threw his arms in the air. All the friends were arguing on whose fault it was. Finn and Millie just looked at each other. Why did things have to go so wrong, and why for them. Millie was getting sick of it. She had to say something.

Just say what happened

"GUYS! You're right.."

What am I saying!

"He pushed onto me and I felt violated. I just went with it because...I didn't want him to hurt me.." Millie said as she started to cry. She was a great fake crier, and a great liar. But why was she lying.....

Bitch!!! What the fuck!! Say the right words

"WHAT!" Finn was completely shocked. He thought Millie was enjoying herself, "Millie you wanted to do this, what the fuck."
"I didn't Finn and you know it!" Millie yelled. She then climbed off the roof and ran home.

What the hell did I just do

Finn just stood there. He actually felt something with this girl, why was she bullshitting him. He held back tears because he didn't want to seem like a soft person.
"Thanks a lot Finn." Noah said as he climbed off the roof.
The rest of the friends did the same. But Finn, he just stood there. Why, because he was embarrassed. He didn't do anything millie said he did, he wasn't like that. Well not anymore he'd liked to think. He started crying. Tears rolled down his face as he realized he might've just lost him something. He lost his future; she was far from gone, his future was running to her house and just lied on him.

Thanks a lot Millie.....

Back at Millie's house-

Millie ran upstairs ignoring Ava's calls to her and ignoring Charlie telling her to calm down. She ran in her room and slammed the door. She was about to walk to her bed but she didn't make it. She collapsed to the ground. Crying, and crying loud. She had no idea what the hell she just did. Words just came out, and not the right ones. She started punching the floor. She knew she messed up. She knew she was never going to get him back. She knew she love him but she fucked it up. Like she fucked everything up. She crawled to her bed, tears still escaping her eyes. She wrapped up in her covers and started to cry even more and even louder.

I messed up!! I didn't want to do that what the fuck! I always mess shit up and I end up never admitting it. He doesn't want me anymore, after what I did...he never wants to see me.

Millie continued to cry, not knowing that Finn was climbing her house to see her what the fuck happened.
Millie heard a knock on the window and quickly got up, whipping her years. She went to the window and opened it, just staring at the person sitting there.
"So are you going to speak or just sit there and look stupid!"
Finn could tell that Millie had been crying. But why, she fucked up, not him.
"Millie are you going to fess up to what you did?!"
"DO YOU HATE ME!" Finn yelled. Getting tired of her games, he needed answers.
"You know what, fine. Have a nice life, I hope you have a good rest of your summer." Finn was pissed, he began to get out of her room but Millie finally spoke.
"No what?" Finn asked as he turned around.
"No." Millie said again, "No, I don't hate you..."
"Then why the hell did you lie on me." Finns asked, his voice softer this time.
"Finn I don't know! I don't! KNOW!" Millie started to say, her voice got softer. "I don't like relationships, ok they're a waste of time. So when they caught us, I didn't want them to think I had gone soft. Finn it doesn't make since but I-" Finn cut her off.
"I get it."
"You do?" Millie asked, kind of shocked, kind of not."
"Yea, it's all an act. It's all an act to you, but it was too late to change it. So you stuck with it. Yes, I get it."
Millie sat up. How did he know.
"Uh, Yea. Yea I guess." Millie just turned around and faced the other way.
Finn just sat there as well. They both sat there in silence. Finn broke the silence and started telling Millie about him. How his life is good he just turned because he felt something was empty. He resorted to drugs and alcohol to make him feel better, then when that got old, he resorted to girls. He said he thought girls were the answer to everything, the answers to all is problems. But he realized that he was just using them all. Millie just listened. She was fascinated by his story. But she never turned around to face him. But some how, he knew she was listening.
"So I understand...I do. And if you don't want to do this anymore we don't have to." Finn said as he started playing with his fingers.
Millie turned around and walked to him.
"You're the only person who understands why I act the way I act, and Sadie only understands so much. But you've lived through it."
Millie took his hands in hers and lifted up his head.
"So I don't hate you...you're my partner in crime. And I'm...well you know." Millie couldn't actually say sorry, she wasn't good at that.
Finn hugged her and the hug felt right. So Millie didn't pull away. He moved to her ear and whispered something.
"Thank you...pretty eyes"
Yooooooooo so I updated ☺️☺️. Honestly y'all can't lie this chapter was amazing, my favorite by far. I feel like it says a lot about Finn, and I like that. I wrote this in a matter of 2 hours and I'm so proud. I really hope you guys like this!! Comment !!! It's much appreciated❤️
Update in a couple of hours.

Do you hate me >•> Fillie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora