8.I don't want to see you cry

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Alone. Alone, confused, afraid...weak. All those things explained Millie. Millie was always this tough girl. The "If you fuck with me you'll regret it" type girl. She never ever broke down. It all seemed dramatic. Some boy says something relatively uncomfortable to her, she lashes out not only at him, but at her best friends. Then she hugs him and forgets it all happened. So clique. So not Millie. So fucked up and dramatic. But Millie's "toughness" was just an act. Her life was good, she always listened to her parents, she was never a tough kid. So what happened. Everything.
When Millie found out she had to move to Canada, she went crazy. Ballistic if you will. She was so pissed that she had to leave her friends and her memories. She was mad that she had to forget about everything that shaped her and just leave it behind. She just hated the thought. And moving to a whole different country!? She would've been fine if the moved down the street, or even to the next city over. But this was a country. An entirely different country.
When she arrived to Canada she was mad. So when she enrolled into her actually first school, everyone thought she was this rude person. Who was Millie to fix it. So she stuck with it. She stuck with the attitude and the bitchy remarks. Sadie was the only one who saw through her act. The only one who knew millie wasn't like that at all. That's why she gave her a chance. But it was too late for Millie to change. Each year her teachers would talk to her previous teachers and they would warn them about Millie. It never gave Millie the chance to change, so why keep trying? She stuck with it. And she stuck with it forever.


"Ok so we got some ice cream, some more blankets, oh I brought over some old movies so we could watch them. Ummm let me see what else?" Finn said as he gave Millie the rundown of what he got.
Finn had been sneaking into Millie's bedroom window, trying to at least keep her alive. No one knew that he was doing this, and he never mentioned it to the group. Not even Millie parents knew, but they were gone anyway. Somewhere in Ghana. He was trying to make up for what he did, but Millie secretly didn't care what he did. He'd always be this insensitive jerk. But she was judging him just like those people judge her. Millie hadn't talked to Sadie or even Noah for what seemed like forever. The summer was really shitty so far, and Finn wasn't making it any better. She wanted to apologize to Sadie, but Millie never admitted stuff. So apologizing would be so hard.
"Thanks Finn." She said softly, trying to hold back tears. Finn just looked at her. He was torn. Because he had hurt someone who he knew he cared about, but couldn't really show it. And he wouldn't even mention how he recently made out with Iris, but hey, he was drunk..
"Millie I can lea-" and with that, Millie started crying. Finn was shocked. The strong "fuck you" Millie was now crying. And it wasn't sobs, it was cries for help. For someone to swoop in and save her. And obviously that someone wasn't Finn, that someone was her two best friends. Finn grabbed her and held her tight. Millie was crying, harder then ever. And Finn didn't even know that he was the reason, tears were falling down her face.
She hated him, but at the same time wanted him. It was confusing. What was she supposed to do? Nothing she guessed, she'd tell them everything was fine and dandy and that she was a ok. The lies people make, just so they don't have to explain themselves.
Millie continued to cry but Finn couldn't watch he cry. He whipped off her tears and laid her down on the bed. She was still sobbing but he never stopped what he was doing. He pulled up the covers to her chin and tucked her in like a little baby. He continued to whip her tears. She stopped sobbing, only curious to see what he was doing. He pulled up her little spiny chair and sat beside her. He then started telling her things that she need to hear. Things like "Why are you crying, you just be making people cry" that made her giggle a little. Or "Why are you letting these ugly minded people aftertaste your beauty?" They were all pretty corney, but they were sweet. Millie was shocked on how much Finn had changed. What was his plan next? To make her do something illegal? Or make her do something sexual? She didn't want to think that he was doing this only because he wanted to ruin her in the end. She just smiled at everything he said, and eventually stopped sobbing.
But her problems didn't go away.
Yea yea yea!!! Short chapter. The story itself was only like 830 something words. Usually my stories are longer, like 1400. Plus I have school tomorrow and I kept falling asleep in the middle of writing this. Which is why I didn't post last night😂. But I liked this chapter, hopefully the last sentence hinted at something😣😣😣. Ha ok no but proud of myself for this. Comment; much appreciated.

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