1-Schools out

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The three friends sat on the roof of the old abandon building as the sun slowly went down. School was finally out. No more teachers, homework, stupid kids, waking up at an unnecessary time, complete freedom. They could finally go back to their old routine, which was do nothing and let things happen.
"To the start of a care free summer!" Noah shouted as he lifted his root beer bottle to the sky.
"Yes!" The two girls replied as the did the same action.
They were officially done with middle school. They were officially freshmen. They had to admit they were happy that they would get to spend summer before going off to school. They thought of it as preparation for high school.
"Heyyyy!" Sadie said, disturbing the silence that was hanging in the air.
"Did you guys hear that there's gonna be a HUGE party tomorrow. Mostly for the kids that are becoming freshmen, but not only freshmen are gonna be there"
"Cool, you guys can go. You know my routine" Millie says as she takes swig of her drink.
"Come on now, think of how fun it would be. I've always wanted to go to one of these but we were always too young. Now we're gonna be freshmen and we can finally go." Sadie says as she stands up. Every time she stands up that means she won't give up anytime soon.
"I agree with sadie. It should be fun. We don't have to smoke or drink or make out with anyone. Some of the kids there just go to listen to music and have fun." Noah agreed with Sadie. Sadie and Noah both liked to have fun, just as long as it was that obnoxious type of fun.
"I'll think about it. But I will go shopping with you guys for an outfit. I need more converse" Millie told the group.
After hours of laughing and reciting memories from the school year, they all decided to call it a night. Their houses weren't that far from the abandon building, nor were their houses far from each other.
They were soon home all of them were very tired.
"Hey Charlie." Millie said to her brother as she entered the kitchen, "mom and dad still gone?"
Millie's mom and dad were travel agents. They would always go to different places, take notes, and then post them on their website so people would know what to expect. The pay was descent but family time was limited, a lot.
"Sup sis! And yea, they called and said that Iceland was pretty cool. They should be back in a week." Charlie told his sister.
"As long as no parents are around, I'm good."
Millie laughed. She knew her brother and that he always snuck out the house. But with their parents being gone a lot, it was becoming a regular thing. Millie and Ava, her little sister, weren't snitches. Well, as long as Ava got what she wanted. And Paige, her older sister, was in college. So overall, they never got caught.
Millie grabbed some grapes from the fridge and made her way upstairs. She popped her head in Ava's room, just to say hi.
"Hi Ava."
"Millie!" Ava cheered, "how are you?"
"I'm good. Hey is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?" Millie asked her cute bundle of joy.
"Can I go over my friends house? We really want to watch the season finale of our favorite show. I'll just be there for three days." Ava asked as she did puppy eyes.
"Yea of course"
"Thanks Millie!" Ava gave her sister and hug and then plopped onto her bed. Millie walked out and shut the door.
Millie was fine with Ava spending time with her friend. Then she would be home alone most of the time. And if she did decide to go to the party, she didn't have to worry about dropping off Ava anywhere.
Millie entered her room and shut the door. She walked over to her speaker and hooked up her phone up. She put on some music but couldn't blast it. Ava was home and Charlie didn't want Millie to disturb her.
Millie put on one of her favorite songs - over by honers.
"I try to feel inside but the fire that we had is all gone. Sometimes I think about why as the sand in the hourglass run"
Millie danced around her room, stuffing grapes in her mouth. Tempted not to blast the music and shout as loud as she could.
"You know I'm gonna change! Things just don't stay the same no more, no more! You know I'm gonna break. You know I'm gonna break your fading heart! But it's over, its over, it's over now!"
The song continued to play and Millie continued to stuff her mouth with grapes and danced around. Music was her happy place, and nothing could her ruin her happy place. Well, nothing but the sound of your best friend texting you.

Bad time kid, Millie thought

Red Hot💋- Millie babe

English Muffin😝- What Red?

Red Hot💋- Nothing, just wanted to irritate you😘

Millie rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but laugh.

English Muffin😝- Hate you

Red Hot💋- But do you really

English Muffin😝- 🙄

Red Hot💋- 😘

Red Hot💋- No but really, ask Charlie if he can drop us off at the mall

English Muffin😝- Will do

English Muffin😝- Night red

Red Hot💋- Night English Muffin

Millie turned off her phone, and charged it up. She then made her way down stairs. She looked around the house only to find Charlie and two other friends on the couch.


She looked at them with narrow eyes until they noticed her. Which took a while.

"Oh Mills!" Charlie said as he sat up, "What's up?"
"Can you drive me and my friends to the mall?" Millie ask with hints of impatiences in her voice.
"He can't, he'll be busy." The girl on the couch said.
Millie looked at her "Go suck your dads dick." She snapped back. Charlie and the other guy on the couch laughed. The girl just turned around and slouched in her seat.
"So can you?" Millie requested her question to her brother and only her brother.
"Yes sure, time?" Charlie asked.
"Um around 12:30." Millie said as she rubbed her eye.
"Alright cool, be ready by 12:00" Charlie noted.
Millie nodded and made her way up stairs. She was exhausted. She was so happy that school was out and that she could do whatever the fucked she wanted to do. No more school!!
Millie walked into her room, shut the door, and locked it. She went over to her desk and unlocked her phone.

English Muffin😝- Charlie is dropping us off at 12:30. Be ready by 12:00.

Soft Served🍨- Great 👍🏻

Red Hot💋- 👍🏼

Millie turned off her phone and placed it back on her desk. She took her Pj's off as well as her tank top, left with only a spots bra and underwear on. She leaned to turn the light off, and fell back onto her bed.

Welcome back summer

I think I did really good for my first chapter of my first ever story. I really hope you guys liked it! Comment, please, it's much appreciated
- Dreamy❤️

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