13.Just the beginning

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"Are we good?" Maddie asked her stepsister.
"Yea,you can get in now."
Maddie and her stepsister were about to hack into Millie's phone. They were gonna look through it and ruin her for good. It was mostly Maddie doing all the work, but her sister helped too. Even though she hated this type of shit.
"And the fun begins."


"Ahaha, more Tea please." Millie said to her little sister. They were playing tea party. Ava would always say she was too big for those, but secretly she loved doing them with Millie. And she was so happy that Millie wasn't busy with her friends, and Millie was too.
"Coming right up! Would you like some cookies too madam?"
"Of course my queen. Thank you for inviting me to this lovely tea party!"
"Of course madam. You are always welcome in my castle, always always always!" The girls both laughed. The enjoyed each other's company, even though their age differences was relatively big. They turned on music and started to listen to Sweater Weather, and Pacify Her (A/N listen to those songs! I swear you'll love them and if you don't, you must be insane😭😭😭!! Also watch the video to Pacify Her, you'll fall in love)
They were having the best time. Sister time was just what they needed.
"Goodbye madam!!! Thank you so much for coming." Ava said as she waved to her sister, as if they didn't live in the same house.
"Bye your majesty." Millie did a little bow. She was soft for her sister. She wasn't all tough and mean, she loved Ava. She wanted to set a good example.
Millie walked into her room and plopped on her bed. She turned on her phone and was confused as to why her friends had texted her so fucking much.

16 missed FaceTime calls from Red💋

25 missed calls from Madds❤️

13 unopened texts from soft served🍨

12 missed calls from finn🙄

Well he wasn't her friend

16 unopened texts from chocolate daddy😝🍫

7 calls from goofy🙋🏼‍♂️😂

What the hell.

Millie unlocked her phone. Also finding voicemails from all her friends. She stared to listen to all of them

So I guess you hate me. I've been there when people looked at you like you were a crazy ass bitch! I saw through your act and you treat me like this! *sobs* ok then, enjoy you summer, enjoy your life.

Soft served🍨:
Thanks for hurting the only people who could stand you! You selfish bitch!

Noah never calls me names...he's always so sweet.

I knew you were no good.

You tell me I take advantage of girls, but yet I get all these photos of you with other guys. Millie you have a past just as much as me yet you wanna exnsploid me for it! You're a bitch!

How did he....

Chocolate daddy😝🍫:
You made her cry! You made her want to hurt herself. You're the only one who makes a feel like she is truly worth it. Why in the hell would you ruin that!

Come on now, really Millie.

Millie was completely confused. She then started looking through her texts. And started crying. She saw text messages sent by her, only they weren't. They were hate messages towards her friends. Bringing up old drama. The worst were Finn. "She" sent pictures and videos of her with other dudes. She started to boil up and get angry. She knew she didn't send any of the things she was looking at. She knew someone had hacked into her phone! But who, who was that good to hack into someone's phone. She knew that there were hackers who were capable to do such a thing. But that required a high level of genius. And Iris was the only person who hated Millie with a burning passion. But Millie agreed that Iris couldn't be smart enough to hack into her phone. Or anything for that matter.
Millie threw on some clothes and ran out her house. No one said a thing to her, they knew she was mad.
Millie ran to Charlie's car and got in. She didn't know how to drive quite yet but she needed a damn car. She sat her phone and laptop down on the passenger seat. She put the key in the ignition and started the car. Charlie had an old school Mustang. It was a beauty. In the hands of Millie, Charlie might as well get ready to buy a new car.

Not gonna wreck this car, I learned my lesson from last time.

She backed out of the driveway and she could see Charlie come out the house. Waving his hands, signaling Millie to get her ass back. Millie stuck her head out and gave him a look. Charlie backed into the house. He knew Millie was about to fuck someone up or clear some shit up, he was just sad he didn't get to witness all the shit go down. Millie drove off. Paying attention to the road as much as possible. She knew she could count on one person to help her. If she could just convince that person to help her, she was gonna find out who did this.

It's not Iris. She's too fucking dumb. So who could it be? Maybe Maddie framed me and hacked into my phone. No... uh I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Millie swerved onto the highway, slowing down. She was a little shaking when it came to driving, and she was pissed, and those things don't really mix. She got onto the exist and took a left. Turning into a Cul-de-sac. The houses were so perfect, she hated it. Mostly because she really wanted to live in them.
She parked by the house she had arrived to. Taking a deep breath.

Get this shit done and don't leave till you have it all sorted out!

Millie got out the car and knocked on the pretty house. She waited for a good minute. Soon someone came to the door. The girl looked frightened. She knew what Millie wanted, but she kept quiet.
"Grace, get in the car. Now."
DAMN, OH SHIT, WHAT THE HELL, BIIIIIIIIIIITCH!!! Yea I know y'all were all thinking it! This chapter is only the beginning my children. Only the beginning. I wrote this while I was eating ice cream and brownies, just a little FYI. Oh and btw once again I highly recommended you guys listen to the songs mentioned. Even if you already know them, go listen to them again!! I hope you guys liked the chapter!! Comment comment comment it's much appreciated! Btw thanks for the reads. It's not much but it still makes me happy that people take the time to read my story.

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