7.Shut down

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"MILLIE! Millie wait!" Sadie yelled at her friend as she burst out of Caleb's arms. She had just seen her friend probably go through the most humiliating thing, ever.
"Really Sadie! I get humiliated in front of god knows how many people, and you want me to wait! WAIT FOR WHAT SADIE! For you to tell me that everything is fine and that it was just a joke! You saw what happened, you heard what he said, you saw how amused he looked. So Sadie I'm not waiting, I'm sick and tired of waiting. I'm sick of being a humiliation. I should have never came here. I should have never even been born!" Millie was pissed, and she wasn't exaggerating. Millie had always been a humiliation, and for no reason. Things didn't work in her favor, it never did. She was just happy that when she got home, Ava wasn't going to be there and Charlie was probably not going to be sober. And the best part, her mom and dad were still gone.
"Millie come on now, please let me talk!" Sadie shouted as she grabbed Millie's wrist.
"TALK TO CALEB'S DICK! LEAVE ME ALONE YOU HOE!" Sadie froze, what the fuck did Millie just call her. She was no hoe, and Millie knew that. Anger filled Sadie's face, trying to refrain from saying something rude.

Breath Sadie, she's just mad.

But she couldn't hold it back.

"Oh my god, Millie I-"
"You're right.." Millie said softly, "I'm just exaggerating and I need to change. Well consider It done Sadie Sink, you won't hear anything else from me."

And Millie held that promise, dear and near to her black selfish heart.

Two weeks later-

Millie laid in the bed listening to music through her head phones. All the lights were off. She hung a black out curtain on her window to block the sunlight, and she made a sign on her door that read, do not enter. Her parents were back but at the same time they weren't. Sure, her mom would check in on her, but she could careless about her petty friend problems. In fact, they were planning another trip. Just Millie's luck. All she needed more then ever was her mom to listen and comfort her.  Millie would cry from time to time, sometimes she would just cry herself to sleep. She knew she messed up, but knowing Millie, she wasn't going to admit that. Her two best friends were upset, especially Sadie, at the way she lashed out at Millie. Sadie was changing. Hanging out with Caleb more, smoking and drinking here and there. Millie hated it. She just hoped Noah was still soft as ice cream.
Millie couldn't check her phone because she threw it on the ground at the party. Her parents offered to buy her a new one, but she refused. Millie was devastated. The worst part, the only thing on her mind was Finn. Why? She couldn't quite answer that question.
Night had fallen quickly, and Millie had taken at least six naps by the time the sun went away. She would eat the snacks she brought into her room, and she would use the bathroom in her room. She lived in her room. Ava would visit her and instead of her Millie reading to Ava, Ava read to Millie. That was the only person who Millie could stand right about now. She would sometimes call Paige and tell her what was going on, and Paige would always tell Millie that she wished she was there. Millie wished that as well.
As Millie was in and out of sleep she heard a knock, but it wasn't coming from her door. She looked around, she knew she heard something. She wasn't crazy. Then she heard it again. She looked at her window but realized she couldn't see shit. She moved the curtain and saw him on the roof.  She gasped, but in her head she smiled.

No, don't smile. He's a dick with no dick.

Millie rolled her eyes, flashed both her middle fingers, and closed the curtains again. But ignoring the boy was hard. He kept knocking on the window and the knocks got louder each time. Millie got annoyed and knew if the knocks got any louder, they would be audible to her mom and dad. She moved the curtains and threw the window open, looking a Finn with hateful eyes. It hurt Finn, a lot.
"Millie can we talk?" Finn asked as he tilted his head. Giving his question a bit of affect.
"Can you die? If you're answer is no , then my answer is no as well." Millie shut the window, but Finn caught it before it actually met with the lock. He threw it opened and climbed in.
"FINN GE-" Finn's hands quickly covered Millie's mouth. Not wanting any sound to escape her mouth. He kept it there tightly as he began to explain himself.
"Look I fucked up. And I know, I know you don't wanna hear this shit, but it's true. I. Fucked. Up! And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for humiliating you and making you almost cry in front of everyone. I'm sorry for making you yell at Sadie, I'm sorry for what happened to you and Sadie. I'm sorry for being a dick to you, I'm sorry for not listening, or not hearing you out, just in general. I'm sorry that I don't give people chances, I'm sorry that every time I saw you, I wanted to just act like a dick. I'm sorry Millie, I really am sorry. Millie I apologize, I hurt you, and hurting you hurts me more then ever. And I can't take it, I'm sorry Millie.." Finn trailed off, his eyes were watery as he finished up his heart felt apology. Millie was shocked. She slowly removed his hand and sat it by his side. The two were still standing and Millie was shocked at what just came out of Finn's mouth. Was he truly sorry. He had to be. You don't say all that and then it turns out to be you were lying. Millie sat on the bed. Still in awe. She looked at the ground then back up at Finn.
"Do you hate me?" Finn asked as he sat beside Millie.
"Do you hate me? Do you hate my personality, the way I act?" Finn actually looked like he wanted to know.
"I dislike how you act and I find it childish, but hate is a strong word, in which on only use when I'm mad." Millie stated, "but feelings are confusing Finn, and I've never been good with them."
"Oh," was all Finn managed to get out. He had to agree he was the same, feelings were stupid and didn't he didn't like them.
Millie and Finn sat on the bed together for a long time. Millie rested her head on Finn's shoulders, not wanting him to leave. Finn was truly sorry. He fucked up, and possibly with a girl he had an actual connection with.
"Finn?" Millie said all of a sudden.
Finn answered with a hmh, not turning his head to look at the girl who was looking at him. She didn't like that. She grabbed his face and turned it to face hers. His eyes lingered at Whatever he was staring at, but they soon landed on the girl. She wanted to kiss him so bad, and just to smell his natural scent.

Too soon Millie

So instead, she hugged him. Tightly, and they fell back onto the bed. He held her like she was going to leave forever. And she never ever, left his grip.
🙄So that was an intense chapter. Jesus, wow ok! Really proud of myself, my friend read it before I published it and she yelled at me for what happened in the beginning but hey, a writers gotta do what's best for the story. Anyway I hope you guys liked the chapter, because I sure as hell did. Comment, it's much appreciated.
Next update, ion even know, soon though.

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