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3 Years Later

"Gracie, come take Giselle I have to head out to visit your aunt Monique," My mother handed me the energetic toddler who bounced in my arms as I kissed her cheek and held her tightly.

I put her little swimming floaters on and carried her with me into the pool with me as she screamed and giggled. She splashed water on my face and was wriggling in my grasp, making me slowly release my hold on her as she floated around me.

"My baby is swimming!" I exclaimed and kissed her forehead as she sent me a wide toothless grin and splashed around me. I readjusted my bikini top and exhaled a sigh of relief and satisfaction as I leaned back and let the warmth of the sun cover my bronze body.

I was on a paid vacation and was able to spend more time with Giselle until I had to go back to work. I told Martins after my last job of protecting some Saudi prince I was taking a vacation, with pay of course. I've been strictly working nonstop these past couple years, and I deserved a little break.

I heard the doorbell ring and assumed it was Isaiah, who most likely lost the key to the place again. I waited a little bit and heard the bell again, I angrily groaned and took Giselle in my arms, taking off her floaters and walking through the mansion to reach the front door.

"Yes?" I called through the door, and I heard nothing besides another obnoxious ring of the doorbell. I opened the door and saw Martins along with some recruits I assume since I didn't recognize them.

I tried to slam the door in his face, but he stopped the door with his foot and pushed it back open. He walked inside with his men, and I placed Giselle down and instructed her to go to her room and not come out until I call her for lunch.

"Love the new location," Martins looked around, and I rolled my eyes, the recruits eyed me suspiciously, and I shot them looks before their eyes dropped to the floor.

"What do you want? I'm on vacation, and my family could come in anytime soon," I stepped towards Martins, and the recruits instantly went to grab their weapons from the holster around their waists.

"Do they know who I am and that I'm completely capable of killing all of them right now if they test me?" I barked, and Martins made them back down while I sat down on the couch and huffed in annoyance, their presence ruined my tranquility.

"Pack your bags," Martins instructed without looking at me, and my eyes snapped up towards him.

"Excuse me?"

"You're heading to New York in an hour," I threw my head back in laughter and clapped my hands.

"What makes you think I'm ending my vacation early and heading there?" I felt tears form in my eyes as I continued laughing and Martins shook his head before snapping his fingers. The recruits all jumped on me and held my body down as I struggled under their harsh grips.

"You leave me with no choice," He grabs a syringe from his pocket and injects me with the contents, instantly making me feel lightheaded and blurring my vision.

"You motherfu-"


I tossed to my right side, and my eyes slowly opened to reveal the unfamiliar environment around me. I sat up on the bed and grabbed my phone from the table to see it was 4 pm.

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