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I told myself I wouldn't cry at the airport when dropping off Harry, and I successfully kept that promise to myself.

If anything Harry was much more emotional than me as he was boarding his private jet at 6:30 am.

"Don't forget me Grace," Harry cried out as he held me in a death grip while swinging us back and forth.

"Harry it's 2 weeks, not 2 years," I reminded him, and he kept his hold on me no matter how much I bantered with him.

Harry's flight crew and Chris had to pry him off my body before carrying him to the aircraft as he cried out to me and tried to escape their captivity. They shut the door, and he pushed his face up against the window, staring out at me while banging on the window.

I laughed at his dramatical behavior before blowing him a kiss and leaving with Chris who was muttering insults under his breath. Chris drove me to my apartment before letting me know I could call him whenever I needed a ride; I thanked him while getting out.

Catherine was at her morning classes and probably wouldn't be at the daycare till 11. Since I have no classes today, that meant I would be at the daycare till 1 or a little later, then I would head straight to the PR agency after. I managed to get ready and head out to the daycare around 8 am, I arrived not much later and immediately went to the classroom to greet my mom and Charlotte.

"Hello my lovely,"'my mother kissed my cheek, and I hugged her before picking up Charlotte who was excited to see me.

"Hey Char," I kissed her nose before putting her back down and talking to my mom who had a smile on her face.

"When are you going to have kids with Harry?"

I choked on my saliva before falling into a coughing fit, she began patting my back and I recollected myself before taking a deep breath.

"Mummy, we've been dating for 2 months," I frowned at her as she raised her eyebrows at me and pursed her lips at my sudden attitude change.

She kept trying to push for more details about my relationship and I kept refusing to share. Thank God all the children rushed in before my mom could inquire anymore about my exclusive relationship with Harry.

All the questioning from my mom made me think about my future with Harry, I occasionally zoned out throughout the day when I was working with the kids and oddly enough, during nap time I even dreamed about Harry and I getting married.

Catherine kept going on about her relationship with Niall and how she really liked him. It was adorable to see her finally in a relationship with someone she liked and who wasn't a total dickhead.

She kept suggesting that Harry and I should go on a double date with her and Niall when he returns from his business trip and I agreed. It would be refreshing to do something fun like that, since Harry and I both love Catherine and Niall.

Around 1, I left the daycare after saying bye to everyone and headed to the PR Agency where I would work for another couple hours or so.

I parked my car in the lot before hugging my jacket close to my body as I walked inside the welcoming building. I checked my notifications as I was on the elevator and saw that Harry texted me a while ago that he landed and was on his way to his house there. I texted him back quickly before tucking my phone away in my pocket as I arrived in my Auntie's office.

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