did it hurt?

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He placed the cake on his desk before fully hoisting my body up by my thighs. Our lips remained intact as I harshly began tugging on Harry's curls. He slightly gasped as he began rubbing his hands all over my ašs. His hands selfishly grabbing the naked area as I broke the kiss and leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"Oh my G-god," I released a shaky breath just as his fingers slightly slid over my clothed area. My eyes shut as I began kissing Harry's neck and his fingers pushed my thong to the side.

"Fuck, you're so wet for me baby," he growled into my ear, and I moaned before he tried moving us to the coach.

Harry must've been so hypnotized by my pûssy that he accidentally tripped over something, dropping me onto the floor, somehow I landed face first and groaned as the pain began surging throughout my face.

Harry rushed to my side and kept asking me questions trying to help me as I laid on the floor refusing to move.

"Oh my God Grace, I feel awful," Harry picked me up carefully and I blinked multiple times at the lights before I was able to readjust. I felt confused before I felt something dripping down on my thighs and I felt my nose. I began hissing in pain and tears started forming in my eyes.

"Oh my God I'm bleeding!" Harry and I began screaming, I grabbed my phone hastily to see my nose was swollen and bleeding.

Harry rushed me out to the receptionists and told her to hold off all his plans for the rest of the day since he had to take me to the hospital. The receptionists kept smiling at me as I held a bloody tissue to my nose. I frowned before Harry grabbed my hand and rushed us to the elevator.

As we got in Todd was already in the elevator, sitting in the corner in a fetal position. I began punching the button for the first floor before things got weird again.

Harry and I quickly made it to his car, which I may add is very expensive, before he began speeding to the hospital.

"Don't get blood on my seats!" Harry suddenly gasped as he stuffed a box of tissues in my face so I wouldn't soil his seats. I grabbed the box before sending him a look and mumbling under my breath.

"Fuck your car, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be in the position!" I cried out and Harry and I began to bicker back and forth about whose fault it was. Occasionally Harry would interrupt to grab me a new tissue and hold it to my nose whilst tossing the soiled one out the window.

Wow, you asshole what about the environment?

We finally reached the hospital before we ran inside and I signed in with the nurse before she took Harry and I inside. A nurse laid me down on a bed before elevating my head to slow down the bleeding, she also began asking me how this happened and Harry and I awkwardly looked at each other.

"Uh... I may or may not have dropped her face first onto the floor?" Harry spoke out randomly, but it sounded more like he was asking a question as I rolled my eyes.

The nurse nodded before examining my nose and asking me a couple questions. She told me I needed to get an x-ray to check if anything was broken since my nose wasn't noticeable crooked or anything. She also began checking for symptoms of a concussion, which I most likely had, considering how hard my head hit the ground and my massive headache.

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