she's beauty, she's grace

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My alarm rang throughout the room as I quickly shut it off with my free hand. I struggled to get up, but Harry's arms kept me captive under his warm touch.

"Harry, I need to go," I sighed before slowly turning over to face him. His eyes were shut, but a smile spread across his face and his adorable dimples were on display.

"Stay with me darling," his eyes remained closed and his raspy morning voice quietly echoed in the large bedroom.

Harry's eyes slowly fluttered opened, and he yawned before screaming and falling off his side of the bed.

"What!" I panicked and rushed to his side before he grabbed his phone and turned on the camera. He flipped it and I grabbed it to see my horrible reflection.

My nose and eyes were deeply bruised and slightly swollen. I could barely recognize myself as Harry and I both began screaming.

We had no idea what to do since the bruising wasn't so bad the day before and none of us ever broke our noses before.

"The doctor said it wasn't even that bad of a fracture!" I ran to the bathroom and flicked the lights on before cringing at the brightness and staring at my reflection intently.

There's no way I could go in like this.

I sat on the floor and my face started hurting again as I stared down at the marble floor and refused to look at him because I looked horrific.

"Grace, darling come here..." Harry hesitantly entered the bathroom and barely looked at my face when he gently pulled my body onto his lap.

I closed my eyes and laid against Harry's chest while he ran his fingers through my wild hair and whispered sweet things in my ear. He helped me up before helping me change my bandage and getting me ice for my beat up face.

I brushed my teeth and managed to get ready for the day before I realized I couldn't go out in public like this.

It was almost 7, and I had to call my mom soon before she began to worry about why I wasn't at work. I pressed the FaceTime button before removing the ice and fixing my hair, my mom answered after a couple of rings and screamed before dropping her phone.

"Hi, mommy."

"Jesus Grace, what happened to you baby? Did you get into a fight with the neighbor's cat again?" She whispered the last part before I shook my head and decided to tell her the truth... we'll kind of.

"Yesterday I went to lunch with Harry and I like tripped and fractured my nose and got a concussion," I awkwardly explained the situation to my mom who looked worried and sympathetic for me.

"See what happens when you go out with these white men. They are creations of the Devil himself," She scolded me and I rolled my eyes at her true self coming out.

"Do you still want me to come in today?"

"No way, you're not coming in with a face scary enough to make the kids to soil their pants, I already deal with that enough."

only angelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora