mashed potatoes

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The slightly chilly November weather wasn't a factor that would stop me, Hell, I wouldn't even care if there was a blizzard right now.

I even skipped my class today and had my friend Jessie take notes/record it for me so I could makeup the work tomorrow.

Harry was leaving on Friday so we decided to spend his last day having fun at the best place I could think of.

I made sure we were both in warm long sleeves and jeans so we could enjoy this as much as we could.

"We're here!" I excitedly jumped in my seat as Harry parked the car in the large parking lot. Harry parked the car before I ran out the car and grabbed his hand just as he stepped out.

I dragged him along to the entrance before stopping for a second and putting my hands up to my face.

Harry and I drove 2 hours to be here and I'm so happy, I never felt this much joy before even though it was extremely early.

I took a picture of the large sign above us that read 'Six Flags New England' and made Harry take a picture of me with the sign so I could make it my background.

"Let's take a photo together now... excuse me sir, could you take a picture of us?" I asked a random man walking by with his family and he nodded before taking a bunch of photos of Harry and I posing like tourists in front of the entrance.

I thanked the man before tucking my phone away and running up the stairs to get in the park. We got to the gate and waited for the people in front of us were, of course, taking their time.

"I like your hair like this," Harry randomly commented while twirling my newly dyed hair around his slender fingers. I leaned my back against him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, whispering sweet compliments in my ear as I quietly laughed at his cuteness.

"I think they're trying to look for us," I secretly motioned for Harry to look 9 o'clock where a group of men with cameras were waiting around, most likely looking for us.

Harry kindly waved at the people and asked them how their days are, they immediately began to take photos as I scolded Harry.

We finally got in the park and escaped the small group of men as we wandered in towards the rides and the cheerful noises of people screaming.

"I want to ride Batman," I pointed at the map I currently held in my hands and I heard Harry snicker, meaning he was about to tell one of his corny jokes.

"Last time I checked my name isn't Batman love."

I didn't say anything as I rolled up the map and slapped him in the face with it before unraveling it and listing all the rides I want to go on.

Harry held his face in the spot I hit him as he stood next to me trying not to laugh as I continued listing, I gave him a look and he immediately stopped.

We decided to go on the Batman ride first since the line wasn't as long, Harry seemed kinda nervous and it was absolutely adorable.

"Don't be nervous baby, it'll be fun," I stood on my toes and kissed his nose before placing my arms around his waist. Harry's cheeks and nose obtained a rosy tint as the small gusts of wind blew over us and he held me close in order to get more heat.

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