Chapter 30: The Sleepover with Fifth Harmony and Camila

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A/N: the idea for this chapter was also given to me by holyallysus . thanks for helping me with this writer's block xjxk

Dinah, Lauren, Normani, Ally, and Canola were leaving Jacob's house to go have a sleepover at Ally's house. woo woo

Hunter walked past the girls and looked at Lauren. "I'll text you. ;)"

Lauren nodded. "Alright."

Camila grabbed Lauren's hand and flared her nOstrils. 😤😤 "What was that about?"

Lauren smiled. "Nothing. We're just doing some business."

Camila was getting furious. 😡

They went into Ally's car and vroom vroomed to Ally's house. 🚗💨

Dinah opened the front door. "Ally, once we get up to your room, you're gonna tell us why you threw hot sauce at Mila."

Normani said, "She had a good reason."

Ally led the girls to her room. "Jesus didn't approve, but I did!"

Normami agreed. gang gang

Lauren shoved Ally. "Next time you throw hot sauce at my grillfriend Camzi da Lolo kkkkkkkkk, I'm going to hit you so hard that you go to heaven and back. 666 times."

Ally laughed. "Lauren, you're funny! At least I'll see my Lord and Savior daddy Jesus!"

Camila wHipped out her phone and texted Shawn. He had given her his number when she left Waffle House.

She typed: "hey, daddi Mentos. can u meat me in front of Dank Jesus Church tomorrow at 4:20 p.m?" She sent it!

Dinah laid on Ally's bed. "Tell us what Camila did for you to throw hot sauce at her."

Ally replied, "She was shading us because we were being mean to Shawn."

Dinah nodded. "Okay, that's a good reason."

Lauren joined Dinah. "Let's just watch a movie."

Normani pulled movies out of her shoe. "Pick one."

Dinah was amazed. "Dang, Mani. That was hot." 🔥😘😩

Normani winked at her. ;)

Ally grabbed a Paw Patrol™ DVD set. "We are definitely watching this one. It has all four seasons!"

Camila shook her head. "The Emoji Movie™ looks pretty great."

Ally took the Emoji Movie™ CD and held it against Camila's throat. "We're watching Paw Patrol™."

Dinah threw Ally's diary at Camila's head. "Mila, let's just watch Paw Patrol™."

Normani grabbed the diary. "Wow, Ally has a diary?" She opened it up to a random page.

Ally yelled, "No!"

Normani started reading. "Jesus Christ is so hot! His greasy, brown hair makes my heart melt. I wish he would come down from-"

Ally tore the diary out of Normani's hands. "This is classified information!"

She put the Paw Patrol™ CD into the DVD player.

They watched all four seasons, then settled down to go to sleep. Dinah, Normani, and Ally slept on the bed.

Camila had been pushed off, so Lauren cuddled with her on the floor. Lauren nuzzles and purrs. Meow meow! :3

At 4:20 a.m, Ally was awakened. Her senses told her that there was sinning going on in this room. Normani and Dinah were on opposite ends of the bed, so they weren't sinning.

Ally looked at the floor. Lauren and Camila were nuzzling and making rawr xD noises.

Ally was enraged. She jumped out of her bed and grabbed a Bible™. 💦

She slammed the Bible™ down on their heads. 💦

Lauren threw the Bible™ back at Ally. "Water 💦 you doing, lil bud?" 😤

Ally said, "There's no sinning in this house."

Lauren went to cuddle with Normani. she nuzzles xD.

Camila was now emo. Dx "I want to close my eyes and never open them again." 😭😭😭

Ally threw the Bible™ at Lauren. "You're still sinning!"

Lauren groaned. She laid on the chihuahua in the corner of the room. edgy! 😩😝

Ally smiled and laid back down on her bed. "Good night, kids."

A/N: i promise that ally will never be this annoying again lmao. unless y'all want her to keep playing the role of the stereotypical jesus girl. 👀

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