Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


I should have gotten there sooner. None of this would have happened if I didn't take so long following Sam after she stole my car. I got a taxi and went, knowing she was going to his house. I can't even say his name without pile raising in my throat. I smelled the scum on him as soon as I first met him. No one could be that perfect and well put together, kakis and all, without having some serious issues. Little did I know, his issues would emotionally, mentally, and physically hurt Sam.

I tried to tell her. Every chance I got, I reminded her that she was too good for him. I didn't except to be proven right in such a horrible way. My mind flashes back to the image of her body crumpled on the floor, in the pool of her own blood. I will never be able to get it out of my head. Every time I close my eyes, I see her in pain, and it kills me. I'll never be able to get the sound of her begging him to stop hurting her, from ringing in my ears. And just think, she had only confessed that she loved me mere hours before she was beaten by the piece of trash.

I wanted to vomit, watching her lifeless body in front of me. She was so pale, her lips busted and cracked, and her hair in an unruly ponytail. Her face was littered with a grapefruit sized bruise on her cheekbone, and I felt my hand clench each time my eyes glanced over it. How could someone hurt someone so perfect, and beautiful? It made me furious.

I've sat here for hours, just looking at her like some sort of stalker. The nurses asked me multiple time to leave, but I didn't even bother replying. I was only focused on her. The slow and constant beeping of her heart rate monitor soothed me, and the drip of the saline bag hooked up to her arm provided me with a sense of comfort, knowing that she would be okay soon.

It was obvious now that I loved her. I loved her more than breathing, more than anyone I had ever met before. She was everything, and I needed her to know that. I needed her to know that I was sorry for all of the childish games I played to win her affection. I needed her to know that I would take care of her every day of my life, and never hurt her. Not again, anyways. It was foolish of me not to realize sooner that this was more than just a crush. This was like getting attacked by a wild bull. It hit me like a semi truck when I saw her lying unresponsive, and realized that I didn't know how I would go on if she had died. I knew then and there that it an indescribable and irrevocable type of love., and I had to do the right thing, and not hurt her anymore than I already have.

I saw her eyes flutter, and I jumped up from my seat. She slowly came to terms with her surroundings and horror danced upon her face. It felt like someone had stabbed me.

"W-what happened?" She croaked, the result of not using her voice for 8 hours. I handed her a glass of water on the plastic nightstand, and gently sat next to her on the bed. She chugged down the water within seconds and whispered out a quick thank you.

I couldn't help it, I reached to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and she flinched as if she had been shot. I hastily took my hand away from her, mentally slapping myself. Man, I'm horrible with this comforting thing. She probably doesn't even want me near her, or any guy for that matter. I would hate men too if I was in her position.

"Sorry, I jus-"

"No, no, you don't need to apologize, it was my fault," I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. I knew my cheeks were turning red and I wanted to crawl under a rock.

"Look...Matt," I began with a struggle, "hurt you very badly last night." I murmured softly, trying to cushion the blow. A small tear escaped her eyes, and she quickly swiped it away with an unreadable expression.

"I just wanted it to all be a nightmare." Her voice broke. I felt guilt wash over me, once again. It took everything I had not to pull her in my arms. But I stayed silent, not knowing what to say to make the situation better. I couldn't do anything right. I couldn't save her, I couldn't comfort her, and I couldn't even get Matt arrested. Janet wouldn't allow me to call the police, saying it would cause too much bad publicity for Sam, and would break the contract. No one knew about Matt, and it would raise questions and rumors about her "cheating" on me, which was apparently WW3 for Janet. 10 million dollars was a ton of money, and I can understand that it would raise hell for everyone, but at that point, I didn't care about damn publicity. I wanted Matt dead, and since Sam needed me, jail was the next best thing. But, Janet had her way, and escorted us to the hospital without so much as a single camera pointed in our direction.

That woman was a force to be reckoned with.

I helped Sam slowly sit up in her bed, and she attempted to flatten down her wild mane.

"I know there's probably nothing I can say to help right now, but I need you to hear something. He's scum, Sam. A man who lays a hand on a woman is some of the lowest filth on earth, and I'm so sorry that you had to experience that. You deserve the world, and nothing less. I'm in love with you, too. And an amazing person like you only comes once in a lifetime, and it makes me so angry that I couldn't save you, Sam. It's all my fault, if I would have just told the man to drive faster, or darted passed the cleaning lady just a couple seconds in advance instead of apologizing-"

"It's not your fault, Jordan! You didn't fail. If it wasn't for you, who knows what would have happened? You could have got in that taxi and went home, but you didn't. You came after me, and saved me. I owe my life to you, Jordan. And I might have been afraid to say it before, but I'm in-"

"You don't get it, Sam! He's still out there. I couldn't even get him arrested, and the piece of trash is lurking the streets. You deserve to be with someone who hasn't hurt you or made you feel the way I have. I'm no good, and I can't let anything bad happen to you, ever again. Everything horrible that has happened to you over the past couple months, has been with me or about me, and I can't put you through that." I went on, erupting from the hospital bed in a frenzy.

"You're not listening! I don't care about any of that. Jordan, I lo-"

"Not to mention that I'm messed up, Sam! I can't even love someone properly without ruining their life. I mean, if it wasn't for me, Matt would have never gotten frustrated with you if I hadn't pressured you in the hotel room that night. And you guys wouldn't fight so constantly if I didn't try to pry my way into your relationship. That's what I do, Sam. I ruin people-"

"Would you shut up?! I'm trying to tell you that I love you too! And if I didn't have these IVs hooked up to me, I would kiss the life out of you to make you forget all of the horrible and untrue things you think about yourself." She said bravely.

I was fully prepared to continue my speech about my self-destructive and hurtful ways, but her words completely caught me off guard. In fact, I wasn't sure if I even heard her correctly.

Did she actually just say she loved me?

"W-what did you say?" I said in disbelief. She rolled her chocolate orbs at me.

"Just kiss me, Jordan." She practically begged. It was almost as if someone had possessed her body. She acted as if she was barely hurt at all, and I tried to refrain from thinking about the black bruises and cuts that covered almost every inch of her. I wasn't about to ruin the perfect moment, and I'm sure the window of opportunity was closing very fast.

I charged over to her cot and hastily sat down, making sure not to hurt her, and placed my lips softly against hers. They molded in the way that only our lips could. It was slow and held more passion than anything I had ever experienced. Her soft lips, and the way she would slightly draw away before deepening the kiss, made me go insane. Even the soft swipe of her sweet tongue made my head swirl. I hadn't kissed her in weeks, which might not seem like a long time, but I had craved her insanely. I could kiss her for hours on end and never grow tired.

I did exactly as she instructed, and promptly kissed the life out of her, while desperately trying not to hurt any part of her fragile body. I was so wrapped up in her, and how exhilarating it felt, that I didn't even notice anyone enter the room. Someone cleared their throat rudely, and I wanted to snap at them for interrupting us. Couldn't they wait a damn second?

I looked at the tall man, and he glared at me with a disgusted look on his face. His whole appearance screamed, "I'm better than you". He was dressed in an expensive looking suit, and his salt and pepper hair was gelled back perfectly. The man had bags under his familiar brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face. He looked like he was in charge and definitely had money, and lots of it. The arrogance of the lean man immediately made me dislike him. I wondered who he thought he was, barging in here and staring at me like I just killed a baby or something. Who was he anyway?

I looked back at Sam, and her eyes were popped out in disbelief. Did she know this douche? I hope not, for both of our sakes.

Her lip trembled as she choked out, "Dad? What are you doing here?"

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