Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Twelve O'clock arrived too early, as I thought it would. I was absolutely dreading the possibility that the scum-bag, Jordan Taylor could be my co-star. I knew that if I told Matt that it could be Jordan, he would be angry on another level. Besides, I didn't even know what part he was trying for, so it wouldn't make sense to freak him out.

What were the odds?

I was in the limo, and once again the seats were no help. My purple fingernails were now down to nubs.

I searched around nervously to see if I could find the building where the auditions were held. My stomach was in knots. I recognized the studio almost instantly, and my breathing increased. Big tan buildings surrounded me as I stared intently at the giant black "23" on the building through the tinted windows. Jeremy parked outside and turned off the engine.

I let him open the doors simply because I didn't want to get out. I stayed glued to my seat. Janet had to push me out.

I walked into the building praying that it wouldn't be the person I dreaded the most. My heart was beating out of my chest. Sadly, my prayers weren't answered. I stopped cold as I saw Jordan Taylor standing next to the snack table.

My worst nightmares had come true. He was the one who I would be auditioning with. He would be the one who I could possibly be kissing, and hugging, and acting that he is my boyfriend for a whole 6 months!

Janet bumped into me from behind. I still didn't move an inch.

"What's wrong?" She asked, obviously annoyed. I turned around to face her.

"Jordan Taylor could be my co-star?" I whispered-yelled to Janet, she looked over me and let out a long deep breath. She closed her eyes.

"Look, you are just going to have to deal with people like this if you're going to be an actor. Everyone you meet isn't going to be the best person in the world."

"I know that." I shot back, "but Jordan Taylor?" My first big movie and I would be cursed with bad publicity all because of this guy. I could just imagine the headlines now.

Janet didn't even have time to answer, when the red-head casting director called me over. Jordan was already there, staring at me with a confused look on his face. I tried not to make eye contact as he was trying hard to remember who I was.

"Welcome! We are just going to run through some scenes to make our final cuts!" She said cheerfully. "Let's just hope it's not one of you!" Muscles said eagerly. I noticed a New York accent that I didn't hear at the audition. I was so nervous then I couldn't pay attention to much of anything.

I didn't even want to look at Jordan, but I knew I wanted this part. So for at least ten minutes I would focus on listening to my brain, and not think about Matt or Jordan. But unfortunately, that would be harder than I thought.

"Jordan, Sam, start with scene seven, please!" the lady said in a disgustingly happy voice. She put us in the proper positions on the cold concrete floor. The whole building gave off a cold, and unwelcoming vibe. Everything was gray. The walls, the floors, the only color was the snack table. It was covered with donuts, fruits, crackers, chips, mini sandwiches, and other fattening food that none of the girls dared to touch.

I flipped the script booklet that had been shoved in my hand when I walked into the door to a page that said scene seven and read over the lines.

It seemed like my character, Amelia, was meeting Daniel for the first time. It was ironic how that was technically happening right now. Now when I looked at him, I could tell he recognized me from the audition waiting room. He didn't meet my gaze, reading over his script, his eyes fluttering back and forth with hard concentration. I needed to give this all I had, even if the odds we're against me.

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