Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I jolt awake from the loud ring of my cell phone. I groan loudly and reached blindly for my phone on my nightstand.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Get up." A velvet voice demanded.

I pulled back the phone to see Jordan's name lit up on the screen.

"Jordan? It's like seven o'clock!" I whined.

"Do you want that coffee or not? I'm outside of your house and you have 10 minutes to be ready before I take you as is."

"Wow, someone's grumpy." I grumbled and pulled myself out of bed. I heard a chuckle from the other end.

"I'm actually in a great mood today. You have to be cheery when working with a she-devil."

"Whatever." I hung up.

10 minutes? What the heck could a girl do in that time?

I threw on a pair of jeans and an old purple charity shirt I participated in a couple years back. I brushed my hair roughly and put it in a high ponytail. I brushed my teeth and but on a spritz of perfume.

Crap. No time for makeup. I really do hate going without it and Jordan always seems to be around when I look like a zombie. I slipped on my dirty white vans and hauled out of my bedroom door.

I shuffled down the stairs and impacted full on with Janet.

"Where are you going?" She snapped at me. I felt my face redden.

"Uh, out with Jordan." I said quietly, not daring to meet her devil glare. She sighed heavily and walked away from me muttering something about how "teenagers never learn". I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the door.

As soon as I walked outside I stopped dead in my tracks. Jordan Taylor was sitting in my driveway leaning against his motorcycle.

His motorcycle. My mouth fell open.

"No way." I said breathlessly. He chuckled lightly and removed his hands from his pockets.

"Afraid of a little bike Sammy?" He teased.

"T-that is not a little bike! Why can't we just take a normal car, we are just going to get coffee for crying out loud." I whined. I swear there was always some unfortunate catch when hanging around him.

He grins and grabs the helmet from the seat, spinning it around effortlessly in his hands. I slowly trudged over to the eager Jordan and stood directly in front of him. He stepped closer to me and almost closed the distance between us. He was uncomfortably close. So close that I could smell the enticing cologne that he wore the day we kissed. Memories flooded back into my head and I felt my face flush immediately.

His eyes bored into mine as he slipped the helmet on to my head.

"You look perfect." He said, his eyes not breaking contact with mine. I couldn't help but snort. I decided to play along with his sarcasm.

"Yeah, right. If only zombies with messy hair and a helmet suction-cupped on their head was in right now, I'd be on the cover of Vogue." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and swung his leg over the black, expensive looking motorcycle gracefully. Once he was on securely, he turned around to face me.

"Are you getting on or are you just going to stand there?" He said impatiently. I quickly swung my leg over the bike and was once again in an extremely close proximity to the douche bag.

I was awkwardly sitting behind Jordan now and my face was as red as a tomato. Why oh why did he have to smell so good? He was making this hate thing much more difficult.

Jordan was still looking at me and the suspense was painful. "What?" I ask, irritated that we couldn't get this disaster coffee trip over with.

"Unless you want to fall off the bike you should probably hold on to me."

I scoffed once again. "No way am I holding on to you."

He snickered and shook his head. "Okay then." And with that he revved up the bike and darted off at the speed of light. Instinctively my hands flew up to his toned sides so that I didn't fly off the bike. I think I screamed loud enough to shatter the glass window covering my eyes.

I felt him laughing in front of me and I clawed at his rib cage. What a jerk!

We pulled out of the gated neighborhood and before we knew it we were on the streets of Hollywood. We were cruising along just fine until we came to out first red light and I heard screams.

"Oh my God, it's Jordan Taylor!"

"It's Jordan Taylor on the

"Is that his girlfriend?!"

"Jordan can we get a picture?!"

"We love you Jordan!"

"Who is that girl on the back of his bike?!"

Everyone started crowding around the street and I started having a heart attack. No one knew who I was because of the helmet thankfully, but Jordan was completely out in the open. Before we knew it paparazzi started snapping pictures and Jordan cursed under his breath.

As soon as the light turned green Jordan sped away, dashing through cars and going well above the speed limit. I could feel that his body was tense and his jaw was clenched. I wasn't doing so well myself. I was about to hyperventilate. He made some sharp twists and turns until we ultimately ended up in the middle of nowhere.

He finally pulled into an eerily deserted coffee shop. He turned off the engine and hopped off his bike. Jordan turn around to face me and he looked extremely agitated.

"I hate this," he started, removing my helmet roughly. "I can't even go get coffee without going unnoticed. Sometimes I wish I could just be normal." His sad eyes staring into mine. He took off the helmet and I fixed my extreme helmet hair.

"Tell me about it." I muttered. I'm really craving that large ice coffee right about now. After all the craziness that just happened I could use a gallon of it. I turned around and charged toward the shop.

He opened the door for me surprisingly and the icy AC washed over us.

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