Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

"Hickeys? N-no! I just... had an allergic reaction to the champagne. I've uh got hives e-everywhere!" I spat nervously.

An allergic reaction? That's the best I could come up with? Jordan shot me an amused look.

Charlie was laughing even harder now, doubled over as the snorts racked her body. Even Adam was trying to hide his grin.

"Weird. You didn't seem to be itchy or anything when your were moaning my name in the elevator?" Jordan murmured in my ear. I quickly snapped my head around and gave him the dirtiest look I could muster as my face managed to descend into a deeper shade of red.

"I'm going to murder you." I whispered fiercely, feeling the heat rise up to my cheeks once again. He laughed angelically, still looking unspeakably beautiful even in his disheveled suit and loose tie.

"Guys, there's no need to be embarrassed. Clearly some of us had a better night that others." Adam teased. Charlie proceeded to laugh manically. I was beginning to question if she would ever come up for air.

"Adam, don't act like you and Charlie are so innocent. I see what happens on the bus when you guys think everyone's asleep." Jordan cocks an eyebrow at them. The smile swiftly slips off Adams face and Charlie's giggling comes to a halt. They both look like they have just been caught stealing.

"Wait, what?" I snapped in disbelief. Her and Adam have been sneaking around all tour? Charlie's demeanor was instantly riddled with guilt and embarrassment as I glared at her.

Sure, I expected a little flirtation here and there, but I didn't think they were having a full blown relationship without my knowledge. I thought that Charlie would tell me things like this.

"Has this been going on since I called you that night I was stranded in San Francisco?" I interrogated fiercely, recalling the mysterious conversation we had months ago.

Charlie fumbled over her words as I eyed her. "Maybe..." she said sheepishly.

"Well, well, well, looks like Sammy isn't the only one who has some confessions to make around here." Jordan said smugly, throwing a look at Adam who had fallen incredibly silent.

As if the night couldn't get more unfortunate, multiple black vans screeched to a halt right in front of the event doors, and large men with large cameras began to erupt out of them. The flashes were blinding, and I felt Jordan immediately snake a hand around my waist, comforting me. I covered my eyes, and prayed none of them would catch any shots of my discolored neck.

Suddenly our bus honked loudly behind us, and Gilbert expertly pulled up to the curb with speed. I had never seen a sight so beautiful in my life, the bus basically had a halo over it. I was so ready to dodge the elderly stares being thrown my way and dozens of cameras, that I practically raced over to the opening doors of the tour bus.

I hastily walked up the steps to see Megan looking at me with a face of confusion and frustration. I knew by the shade of her skin and how tightly she was strangling the pen and paper in her hands, that she was ready to explode as soon as the doors closed.

The four of us piled into the bus, and Gilbert took off, flipping off the camera men as he drove by. I laughed pretty hard at that, until Megan's sharp swaying bob quickly alerted me that now was not the time. The rest of the cast sat on the couch ready to watch our massacre. Joey looked terrified, Angelina was beaming from ear to ear, and Olivia was playing with a strand of her hair.

"I have so many questions tonight I thought I should write them down so I wouldn't forget. Why don't we start with why the hell Sam and Jordan are soaking wet and look like they've gone through combat in World War II?" She snapped.

I gulped audibly and looked at Jordan, but he remained silent.

"Okay, since no one wants to answer that one we will move on to the next. How is it possible that just when I allow you hooligans to go to an upscale event to make a name for yourselves, there's the first disturbance in the gala's history where the entire event has to be evacuated?"

Adam scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact with the demon that had fully possessed Megan. I had never seen her this angry before,  I was beginning to fear for my life. There had to be something else going on triggering her full blown rage fest.

"Silence? Alright, how about we go on to the inquiry of the night? Why did I find a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom trashcan?" She boomed.

The bus got eerily quiet as the news dispersed through the room. Someone on the bus had gotten pregnant, and I had a good idea as to who it was. My head snapped over to Charlie who was a white as a ghost.

Oh my God. Charlie's pregnant.

"Well obviously we know who it is." A snotty voice stated. Angelina flipped he hair over her shoulder, looking bored with the whole situation. "Sam has been gawking at Jordan since we left LA. I wouldn't be surprised if she had kept her baby a secret."

My blood instantly began to boil at her false accusation, and she gazed at me with a pleased look. "You've got to be joking, I cannot believe you think Sam's pregnant, we all know you're the one who is most likely to get knocked up around here." Charlie said with venom in her voice as she came to my defense.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Angelina said angrily, folding her arms over her chest.

"It means you climb up more people than a cat on a post." Joey piped, and Jordan stifled a chuckle.

"Well at least we can rule out Joey for getting anyone here pregnant, his taste is a bit more masculine, like Sam." Angelina mocked.

"Wow, great job Angelina! You've really spilled all of my secrets. You should stick to your day job." Joey cooed, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"And you should stick to being Sam's lap dog. Following orders suits you." Angelina raised her eyebrows at him as his mouth hit the floor. I was prepared to yank him off of her at any second.

"You just can't control yourself can you? Sam's name seems to always be in your mouth. Admit it, you're obsessed." Charlie spat menacingly.

"Adam, better put a leash on her before she gets put down." Angelina said in a threating tone. From that moment on it was utter chaos, everyone was yelling and screaming at each other, and Gilbert remained completely oblivious as he danced to music blasting through his head phones.

"All of you shut up!" Megan shrieked. The entire bus became silent once again. "Go to your beds right now, or I will throw every last one of you mongols off this tour and you can collect you paycheck back in LA with the rest of your failing career."

All of us grudgingly went to our cots and pulled the curtains back. No one dared to speak to one another through the thick fabric. Soon the lights were turned off and I heard Megan mumble something about her salary as she brushed past us and into her own room. I was still damp and extremely exhausted, but there was too much going on in my mind to allow me to go to sleep.

Charlie was going to have a baby and she didn't tell me, and I had had the most insane night with Jordan. I couldn't believe what we had done, my face burned just thinking about it.

Thank God this tour is almost over. I don't know how many more surprises I can take.

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