"You're trying to say if I date anyone else, my opportunity cost will be the green-eyed girl I met on the bus."

The stunned look on Haywood's face is priceless.


"That's not a flat pass, Haywood. Do you know the definition of flat?" I suppress a laugh as I watch Haywood's ball to Renn skitter along the wooden floor of the Great Hall. "Look at how Scottie and I are passing."

"I do." Haywood says bitterly through gritted teeth. "It's what I wake up to every morning."

"Fair enough, that's an accurate definition."

"Aw come on, Haywood, let's just accept what the good Lord has given us!" Renn returns an equally bouncy pass to Haywood, who completely misses the ball and rushes after it. "Logan you're an asshole. Anyway, what's with the knee and elbow abrasions, Haywood?"

"Uhm." Haywood looks uneasy as she struggles to give Renn a good, flat pass. "Tripped over the metal divider in the field."

Man, that metal divider sure is jinxed. Just saw some blondie fall splat on the ground yesterday during warm up with the ice hockey boys.

"RENN, HAYWOOD, GET OVER HERE." Coach Landon yells. Oh, they're gonna get it for not covering their blades right.

"Ok, everyone, semi-circle shots for the keepers!" I holler.





Coach Landon wants Renn and I to get our own sticks instead of using school sticks.

Wow, congrats. Looks like Coach Landon has found his first team dogs.

But we can't even pass properly.

Then practice.

How to pick a stick?

Go for a flex 29, soft to medium blade, 92cm shaft.



"What. I'm doing my Chem tutorial now."

"I didn't understand any of that."

"Well, I can't understand my isotopes when you're talking to me."

"Pfft, what's so hard about a bunch of atoms with similar electronic configuration but different number of neutrons?"

"And what's so hard about picking a stick?"

"Ok, will you help me if I guide you through your Chem tutorial?"

"Now we're talking. I don't quite understand the concept of an isotope."

"An isotope just refers to atoms of the same element, which have different numbers of neutrons."

"But why do they have different numbers of neutrons."

"No idea. It's just how they're found in nature. Similar to why we have irises of different colors. They're all irises, just that they're naturally different."

"Like how the green-eyed Haywood is an isotope of the black-eyed one?"


"Will you give it a rest about the green eyes Longan? I understand you were traumatized by them. You'll never see them again."

"I do want to see your green-eyed isotope... It's uh, it's funny."

"I'm not a clown unlike you McDonald. Anyway I'm going to sleep. See you at the floorball shop tomorrow at 9 so we can get sticks. Bye."



A/N: What do you think of Logan's obsession with the green-eyed Haywood?

This chapter is dedicated to one of my loyal readers @SmitaShukla16! Hope this comes in time before you go for your hiatus... All the best for your exams alrightie! Your presence will be dearly missed.

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