Chapter 4

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"Ty...Tyler?" I stutter uncontrollably as I meet his impenetrable gaze. How much had he heard? I suddenly find it hard to swallow. My heart goes absolutely wacko in my chest as Tyler smiles and leans in.

I can make out his individual eye lashes. So long, so dreamy. His breath on my face is sweet, gentle and warm. Help, I don't dare to breathe. I should be eating mints 24/7 to be ever ready. He places a hand on the wall behind me and diminishes the gap between us. I can see his biceps flex from the corner of my eye. I can feel his body warmth radiating off him. Ho-ho-ho-ho my god. When did Tyler become so forthcoming? I can feel my toes squirming away in my white canvas shoes. He's making me shy. Come on girlie, just pucker up! Kiss him right now!

"Thought I wouldn't catch you around today. You should be...on the first level, with... Hershey 08." Tyler says, moving away from me just as I do a mini lunge for him. I grab air and quickly continue the forward motion to grab my ankles, pretending to stretch. Great. He was just scrutinising the map for new students placed directly behind me.

I am mortified beyond measure. Fortunately Tyler seems to have noticed nothing and smiles gently at me.

Tasha bursts into peals of uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh um, just came up to talk to my friend Tasha." I elbow Tasha, who's cackling so hard over my failed attempt at kissing Tyler she's doubled over. "But looks like the orientation program is starting very soon, I better join my group now."

"See you around Hay!" Tyler waves, as a soft coffee curl falls into his right eye.

I wave back with a happy grin but the smile slides off my face once my back is turned. It's been a really tiring day with that many ups and downs.

Making my way down the stairs, a loud rich voice fills the Hall overpowering the incessant chatter from excited 17 year olds. "Welcome, young blood, to Pinewood High. I am Principal Lindt." Murmurs ripple across the Hall. I peer at the tubby jovial man on stage. It was like catching Father Christmas off duty - in a long-sleeved blue and white gingham shirt. "Yes the same Lindt as Lindt chocolate." He pats his round belly proudly. "We are very pleased to have you for the upcoming school year. Orientation will take place over the next two days. You will figure your way around the school grounds, hopefully not discovering the secret entrance to the dungeons. You will make 100 new friends you'll add on Facebook but really only talk to 3. You may even find new love..." Principal Lindt teases, waggling his silvery white eyebrows. "Then it'll be back to reality and you'll put your noses to the grindstone for the rest of the year. Now let me hand the mike over to your senior head councillor Clare Wiggers and please do enjoy yourselves... While you can."

The Hall erupts in cheers and thunderous applause as Principal Lindt toddles down the stage and passes the reigns over to the most perfect girl I'd ever laid my eyes on. Clare Wiggers is an entirely different league from most girls. Her high cheek bones, almond face and flawless dark skin gave her an air of elegance, something not too commonly found in 18 year olds.

"Woah dayum, this girlie is really pretty." I whisper to no one in particular as I sidle up to the other members of my orientation group.

"You a lesbian?" The tall blonde dude standing closest to me eyes me curiously.


"But you just complimented her."

"And pray, tell me, what the heck is wrong with that."

"I thought you were all supposed to be bitchy and compete to be Queen Bee?"

"You've been watching 'Mean Girls'?"

"It happened in 'A Cinderella Story' as well. Speaking of which, hi, I'm Chad."

"For real?"

"Well, I am Chad Phil Weber, not Chad Michael Murray."

"Ah, you don't get to sign my blouse then."

"NOW I'm sure you're a lesbian."

"Good morning everybody!" Clare exclaims chirpily, cutting through my silly bantering with Chad. The Hall falls silent. "Now let's try that again 'Good morning everyone!'" Clare enthuses.

"Goooooooddddd mmooooorrrrnnniiinnnngggg Clareeeeeee." Everyone drawls in a bored tone.

"This is like some elementary school camp." I complain to Chad.

"And so, the bitching begins. I knew you were too good to be true."

I roll my eyes.

Clare proceeds to explain the house system in Pinewood High with a PowerPoint slide.

Houses of Pinewood High:

1. Hershey (Blue house)

2. Ferrero (Yellow house)

3. Mars (Black house)

4. Nestle (Red house)

5. Mondelez (Purple house)

"The 5 houses are named after chocolate companies - Principal Lindt's quirky way of building his legacy - and have their own special study spaces within the school. Every year, the houses compete in the Inter House Games and the winning house gets free dinner for the month leading up to Finals."

"The dinner is crazy exquisite you know." Chad whispers. "It's like a full month of non-stop buffet. I heard they serve Alaskan King crabs and escargots."

"Don't forget the eclairs!" A black guy beside us chimes in.

"Oh hey, you are?" I extend my hand.

"Tim." He beams, grabbing my hand.

"Hey, how come you didn't shake my hand?" Chad whines.

"Cuz Tim understands my undying love for eclairs." I explain.

"I like eclairs too." Chad pokes my arm.

"Oh please, grow up, will you?" I swat his finger away.

"Now everyone, could I have your attention please, it's just a few more announcements before we move on to the ice breakers." says Clare. "Do note that academics will be included as a category in the Inter House Games. It is Principal Lindt's hope that this will get students to focus on their studies. Please also note that tickets for the Halloween Haunted House are on sale at $30/person, you may purchase them from your orientation group leaders."

"Now... let the games begin!"

Will Haywood's' first day of school get more exciting?? Stay tuned to find out!

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