Chapter 9

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(Up to now it's been Haywood narrating the story, thought it'd be interesting to change the angle for a while).

First day of school is crazy.


And there's still half a day more to go.

I don't even know where the hell to begin -

1. Coach Landon calls me at 6am. Bloody sodding 6am. Apparently in addition to captaining the ice hockey team for the season, I have to help recruit girls for Pinewood High's floorball team this afternoon.

2. Some cute brunette trips over my feet on the bus. I try to be helpful but she violently shoves me into a bunch of girls. Talk about rude.

3. Said brunette drops her phone. By the time I pick it up she's gone with the wind.

4. Catch up with her and she's in some trance talking about how much she loves some boy called Tyler.

5. Then she roughly shoves me aside and escapes somewhere.

6. I realise later on she's talking about MY old boi Tyler Walker. Like dayum. Where did Ty-ty get these smooth skillz. Must have silently picked them up from me over the years. Little fucker didn't even share he got a gurl. And it's a pretty one at that.

6. Did I mention crazy brunette became my dance partner?

7. And did I also mention she fucking pushed me away during dance prac? Even with all my charms turned on. One moment I was looking into her dark, dark eyes falling into oblivion and next she's pushed me aside. Shit, Ty-ty's got a loyal hoe. How come I never get a loyal one?

8. Poor girl is so desperate for Ty-ty I decide to give her a little push. Swapped dance partners with him under the pretext I like his crazy strawberry blonde, who held on to me tighter than a king cobra snagging its prey. I got bruises on my forearms. I regret being a nice guy.

9. Crazy brunette KISSES Ty-ty. In front of the whole damn school. I'm quite sure she's got balls.

10. Tyler FUCKING Walker drops her. With the most deafening crash I've ever heard. Look I love the boy, but I swear he doesn't deserve anything good in his life man.

11. She's dragged away in a semi-dazed state by our OGL Jae Hee. Strawberry blonde takes off immediately to find crazy brunette.

And I take off to check if Ty-ty has lost his marbles.

"Ty-ty dude, didn't know you were the true master all along?"

"Logan." Ty-ty says wearily.

Shit he looks really affected. Probably shouldn't dig at him further.

"Logan." Ty-ty continues. "Shit, I really fucked that up."

"Dude chill, you got ambushed."

"She's a really good friend. Fuck, now she'll never want to see me again."

"You really feel nothing for her?"

"I don't know man, she's like a sister to me. Have never seen her any other way." Ty-ty sighs and bites his knuckles. "I told her I don't like her that way."

"Well... just let her cool down for a week or two. She'll be fine after that."

"I'm not sure girls work the same way guys do? I dropped her in front of the whole school Logan."

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