"I'm not going anywhere!" I flip out on him. "Can't you get that through you're thick skull?"

He grunts, standing up straight. "Fine. We'll do it the hard way."

"There's no hard way. I'm not going anywhere." I cross my arms, serving my stand.

He's then in my face, looking half amused, half guilty. "Sorry, Scar. I'll pack some stuff for you."

"Sorry? What the hell are you talking about? I'm not...I'm not going...anywhere..." And then I see what he's holding under my nose. Some type of bottle that when you breathe in, makes you pass out for God knows how long. I try not to breathe anymore and step away from him, but he's holding me in place, and I'm too weak to protest. "You...sick...fucker..."

And then I'm out.


I wake up in a car.

And I start freaking the fuck out, because I remember vividly what happened before I blacked out.

I start kicking and screaming, trying to check if the doors are unlocked. I don't care if we're going 60 miles per hour, I want out. I'll jump out if I need to. But Ace is two steps ahead of me and they're locked.

"Calm the hell down!" Ace yells at me, glaring. He's driving, and I realize we're on a highway. I start taking deep breaths in, squeezing my eyes shut tightly.

And then I lash out on him. "You asshole! You kidnapped me! Fucker, as soon as I'm out of this car I'll - " I reach for my gun, but it's not there. Neither is my holster. I check my shoes, my shirt, my pants - no weapons. "You son of a bitch!"

He has the nerve to laugh when I start whacking his arm. He doesn't know or understand my panic. "I had to take your weapons off you. You're dangerous with them."

"And without?"

"...Adorable. You're only downside."

"Asshole," I mutter, finally calming down. "I really hope we're not far from my house because as soon as my feet hit ground, I'm walking home."

"Ha. You're funny."

I try to read the signs, but there's not many. In fact, there's not much of anything. Just a long, narrow highway with few cars and tall trees. The road is long and goes on straight, no curves or anything. Just straight ahead. There's a sign upcoming and I squint in order to see it.


Brille - 3 ½ Miles

I sit back in my seat, staring at Ace. "Arizona? We're in Arizona?"

"Smarter than she looks."

I ignore his comment. We're two states over. I live in California; we're in Arizona. I have no money on me, I have nothing on me. How am I suppose to get back? He really did kidnap me. I have absolutely nothing.

Suddenly, he veers off the highway, into the town called Brille. Never heard of it, but it doesn't look too cheery. There's trees that are huge and healthy all around. The houses look like family houses; big and on repeat. They all look the same. Even the people look the same; families after families. This isn't cheery for me. I hate repetition.

He pulls so many twists and turns I don't see where we're going. And then there's too many trees to see anything. All I know is that we're on a deserted road. Five minutes later, the trees decrease, and out pops a lake. It's to the side, off the road, less trees crowding around. The lake is off, down more, far away from the road. And then it's gone as fast as it came; more trees replacing it.

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