I followed Master Jiraiya along with Naruto as we made our way to the field beside the training grounds. The other shinobi stood in a crowd before me as Tsunade approached. Jiraiya and Naruto stepped aside and joined the crowd. "Kagome, are you ready?" Tsunade asked stepping towards me. "Yeah, give me a second to talk to him I've never actual done this." She nodded and backed away. I closed my eyes and called out to him. "Guide me Seiryu." I asked and soon I heard his voice telling me what I needed to do. It was as if my body was acting on its own. I began making handsigns as black lines appeared on my hand and the ground below me. A gasp emitted from the crowd of people as a blue chakra poured from my hand. I bit my thumb and swiped the blood across the symbol as the chakra seeped into the marking on the ground. Making them light up with green and blue. The earth began shaking around me as the ground cracked. I looked up to see everyone standing back. At the front of the group stood my friends. Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Sakura, Sai, Naruto, lee, Neji, TenTen, Choji, Shikamaru, and Ino. I watched as they looked at me giving me an assuring look. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best as the ground below me shook. Before I could think of anything else I felt myself rising in the air. I opened my eyes to see the group of them all far down below me. I was standing atop of Seiryus head.

I stumbled and lost my footing as he moved causing me to fall. I grasped onto his horn before I fell to the ground. I was dangling there looking down below me. His arm reached over towards me and picked me up from the back of my clothing with his claw. He held me in front of him. "You must really work on keeping your balance." He spoke out to me. I heard a loud gasp as the crowd heard him speak. Muffled voices whispered of what was going on from down below. I looked over at Seiryu as he held me in front of his face. "Well I would have been prepared for that if you would have warned me!" I shook my fist at him. His eyes darted over at me as I spoke, his grin spread at my tone. "We are going to have fun together little Kagome." He placed me on his snout and slithered his way through the air towards the group. He rested his body down on the ground as he placed his head next to a tree. I took this as his motion to let me get down. I grabbed hold of the tree and jumped from limb to limb until I reached the ground.

I dusted myself off and walked forward until I was in front of Tsunade again. "Uh well here he is." I laughed nervously as he stood looking up at him in shock. I glanced over as everyone else looked at him. As I scanned the crowd it seemed everyone was captivated by him, everyone except Kiba and Neji. They looked to me instead.

Seiryu snaked around me until he was in front of Tsunade. "So you are the Sannin Tsunade yes? Where is Jiraiya hiding then?" Seiryu looked to the crowd and glared. Jiraiya stepped forward and made his way over as well. "Your village has no respect Tsunade look at them staring. They didn't even have the courtesy to bow before a divine guardian." He smirked ominously down at her. I looked over at her as the group behind me bowed to him in a frightened manner. Tsunade and Jiraiya followed suit. Seiryu laughed at them as they stood back up "so Orochimaru hmmm? What a tiny little pest. Unfortunately I can not interfere in human affairs unless my lands are threatened, my physical presence will not be used in aiding you. But, Kagome here is just as powerful. She has yet to discover this but she contains within her all my prowess." He spoke as his body curled around me lifting me up onto him. Tsunade looked at me then back at Seiryu "I see. So she's that much more special now." She smiled at me as I stood confused. *special? What does she mean by that I'm not special. If I'm special then so is Naruto.* I turned my gaze back to the crowd at Naruto. He stood among our friends looking fatefully ahead at the lord of the mountains. "Orochimaru is a snake, he's always plotting and he's always one step ahead of us. Unfortunately he isn't our main focus at this point. A group called the Akatsuki has began attacking nearby villages, they are searching for all the jinchuuriki. I'm sure they will be after Kagome as well now, word spreads fast after all and they somehow have managed to gather intel from everywhere." Tsunade spoke as she looked at me frustrated. *the Akasuki will be after me? That means they must be after Naruto as well.... what about the four other vessels of the dragons? How will they be protected?* my mind was racing at their conversation. Seiryu looked towards me pulling me closer towards his face. He spoke to me inside my mind. *quiet your thoughts young one, the others are safe. And as long as I'm around you will be as well.* his eyes pierced my mind as he spoke to me in my head. He turned his stare back to Tsunade and Jiraiya. "I see... the village must be vigilant then. The will of fire burns strong within the ninja of the leaf." He looked towards the crowd in the back. "Ororchimaru will seek Kagome out, im sure he's well aware of her existence. He will try to take her where he's keeping her father. He wants her power. And now that I reside within her more rouge ninja and other groups will seek her like they did Zanka. I can only do so much in aiding her if she's ever in a situation where she is captured. Without my physical presence I can only guide her with my voice. She will need extensive training to make sure her life is protected."

He moved his head towards me in a gesturing manner "so, then I'll train! I'll become stronger so you all don't have to worry about me. I don't want to be a burden to anyone here. You've all done much for me......it's my turn to help." I clenched my fists together looking over at Tsunade and Jiraiya. "For your protection Kagome I won't be sending you on any missions. You need to stay in the village and continue training to find your full potential. Jiraiya can help you with that." Tsunade spoke to me walking over. "No, Jiraiya is Narutos sensei. I won't take him away from Naruto." I looked over at Naruto and smiled. "If it's ok by you... Neji actually helps me train. I'm very comfortable with him he knows me well. I would like to continue with him." Tsunade looked at me then over at Neji and sighed. "Hm... I can make that arrangement I guess. I'll have to ask Guy if that's alright but, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I do want you to train with the higher level ninja of the village as well though." I nodded in agreement and bowed to her. "Thank you Lady Tsunade"

"My presence is needed elsewhere. This is where we part. Tsunade Hokage of the leaf, we will meet again." Seiryu took one last look at her then bounded up towards the sky. He vanished behind the clouds and an eruption of conversation began from the crowd. Tsunade dismissed the crowd as most of them made their way back towards the village. I waved goodbye to Jiraiya and Tsunade as I walked over towards the area where Naruto and the others stood.

The group turned and looked at me falling silent as I approached. "Hey guys, what's up?" I laughed nervously scratching the back of my head. "That. Was. SO COOL!" Naruto yelled out as the others chimed in "yeah Kagome you didn't tell us you were a badass" TenTen spoke nudging me with her scroll. "A highly impressive display indeed!" Lee exclaimed from the back. They all began talking about what they saw when Hinata pushed through to me. "Hinata!" I pulled her into a hug twirling her around. "Kagome, it's nice to see you again I've missed you" she spoke in her usual quiet tone. "I guess I've missed out on a lot" she said looking at me smiling. "come over tonight! It's Friday so we should all have the day off tomorrow, if you and the girls wanted to sleep over at my place?!" I asked looking at the others. "That should be fun its been a while since we were all together." Sakura said smiling over at me. TenTen and Ino agreed shaking their heads. "Great! Come over whenever you want! I'm going to head back soon!" I waved to them as they walked away. The guys left as well and I turned around only to bump into Kiba. "Hey there" he said grabbing my arm to steady me. "Hey Kiba haven't seen you in a while" I said teasingly as I ruffled his hair. He smiled at me and began to walk beside me. "So sounds like you're having a sleep over? Am I not cool enough to be invited" he crossed his arms mocking me. "As much as I'd love to it's a girls only thing. You're just out of luck tonight." I shrugged my shoulders smirking at him. "Only for tonight hm?" He cut his eyes at me smiling. I punched him in the arm at his comment. *the little perv* I thought in my mind looking over at him leering down at me. "Don't worry my feelings aren't hurt, ya know I've actually got plans tonight too." He boasted as he put his hands behind his head stretching. "Oh do you now? Should I be jealous." I teased him as his arm came down and rested on my shoulder. "Oh yeah totally. Me and the guys are going out." He turned his head to face me as I pretended to be shocked "I am so hurt. Haha you have fun with that sounds like a hell of a time." I reached my hand up to his as it rested on my shoulder and placed it in his. He walked me the rest of the way home.

When we got to my house Kiba walked me to the front door. "I'll see you tomorrow Kiba" I spoke turning to face him. "You sure will." He said smiling down at me. I looked up at him as his arm snaked around my waist. I was caught off guard by this as he pulled me against his body and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was heated and needy, my hands made their way to his hair. I ran my fingers through his shaggy brown locks pulling his face closer to mine. It seemed as soon as it began he pulled away painfully. He held me by the waist as looked down at me and winked "see ya later." And with that he left me standing on my porch. I stood there my face flushed a bright red in shock at what just happened. *That bastard! Who the hell does he think he is coming up to me and doing that and then just leaving! What a tease!!* I thought as I watched him walk away. I stood there until his figure was out of view.

I turned still blushing red from the kiss as I went to unlock my door. I was confused to find it was already unlocked *thats weird I could have sworn I locked it-* my thoughts were interrupted as I swung the door open to see Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and TenTen all standing before me. *oh shit*

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