Love is around

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While I waited for the news to die down and my place to rebuild, the guys took turns spending time with me. I got to know each of them better than I ever did.

Matt was sweet and funny. He was also athletic. We would go for early morning runs with each other before people were out.

Ryan was thoughtful and caring. He took care of me in every aspect, keeping my emotional state on an even level.

Erik was deep and intellectual; we would sit for hours and talk about everything. His mind drew me to him more than anything.

When you put all three of them together, you had the perfect guy. Grace hung out with us, and Ashley did too. I can't say Ashley and I were besties, but the hatred chilled between us. I needed no more issues. I don't think my emotional state could handle it.

I was lying in bed when Ryan crawled in next to me.

"So, next week is Valentine's Day, and I thought we could take a ride up the coast to a small bed-and-breakfast," he said as he played with my fingers.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked, looking at him.

"Well, we can use fake names, and I'm sure if you wear a wig, no one will know it's you," he smirked.

Oh, lord, what did he have in mind?

"I am not wearing this? I look hideous!" I yelled.

"It's not that bad," Grace said, shrugging.

"And this wig itches," I said, scratching my head.

"You're wearing the wig. I'm sure you will not be leaving the room much," Grace grinned. I gave her a look as I adjusted my outfit and wig.

"Well, this is different," Ryan said. I turned and gave him a look.

"I look like a hooker," I whined.

"A hot hooker," Matt said, and Ryan elbowed him.

"Not helping," Grace said.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Erik asked, shocked.

"One of Grace's concoctions," I said, gesturing at her.

"What? The lady of the night? Here let me help you," Erik said, walking into the bedroom. He shifted through some clothes and found something for me. "Here, put these on and take off that ugly wig. I got a better idea. Anyone got scissors?"

I gave him a look. "You are not cutting my hair."

"Don't worry. I've cut my sister's hair many, many times. It always grew back."

That reassured me.

I changed into the outfit that he picked out; then I sat in a chair while he cut my hair. I watched the long strands fall in front of me. Why did I let him talk into this?

Once he finished it, it shocked me. He cut it into a classic bob, and it was even. He leaned down next to my face. "You're welcome."

I gave him a soft smile and came out of the room as their faces dropped.

"Oh," Grace said.

"My," Matt said.

"God," Ryan said.

"That bad?" I gasped. I looked at Erik. "I thought you did this before?"

"Oh, relax," he said.

Ryan looked at me. "It looks great."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Your hair looks great," Ryan said as he walked over and ran his hand through my hair.

Landview✔️(Wattpad version)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora