Chapter 7: The Sleepover

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A scary part came up and Ali nearly jumped out of her seat. I heard CJ giggle a little bit. Reassuringly, I tightened my grip around Ali and she glanced up at me. I smiled at her and she turned her attention back to the film.

“That was… AWESOME!” Louis exclaimed when the film was over.

“No, it wasn’t! It was bloody scary!” Ali remarked and we all laughed, but earned a glare from her.

“Come on, Al. Just admit it was a good flick,” CJ said, looking at her and awaiting her answer.

“Yes, it was a good movie,” she sighed.

“So, what do we do now?” I asked, looking around at everyone. A few of them shrugged.

“I’m kind of hungry,” Zayn stated and my face brightened up.

“I could always go for some food!” I smiled and Ali giggled.

“You could ALWAYS go for food, Horan,” CJ remarked, looking over at me.

“HEY! You have to have food to live, okay, Tomlinson?” I replied and she rolled her eyes as Liam chuckled.

“What should we eat then?” Ali asked.

“Nan-” I started, but was rudely interrupted by everyone else, except Ali.

“NO!” they shouted and I flinched and put my head down.

“Aw,” Ali cooed and I can’t help but blush.

“Niall, I love you and you’re one of my best buds, but I’m not in the mood for Nandos,” Chanel stated and I nod, sadly, “How about we order pizza?” she added, looking around at everyone.

“Fine with me,” Harry said and everyone nodded.

“Okay, great! Louis, go order the pizza, please,” CJ said, looking at her cousin.

“Why me?” he questioned.

“Because I’m your favorite cousin and you love me,” she smiled, innocently.

“Ugh!” Louis groaned, “You’re lucky we’re family and you’re a girl.”

“I love you!” CJ called as he walks to the phone in the kitchen

“Love you too,” Louis mumbled back.

A few minutes later, Louis came back into to living room and informed us that the pizza would be here in thirty minutes.

“Awesome! So what should we do now?” CJ asked, leaning her head on Liam’s shoulder.

“How about truth or dare?” I suggested, shrugging. Everyone nodded, agreeing, “Okay, I’ll start…”

A little later, there was a knock on the door.

 “FOOD!” I cried, jumping up and running to the front door.

I greeted the pizza delivery guy, who didn’t seem to care who I was, and paid him before taking the pizza boxes. Everyone was already in the kitchen when I walked there. After I opened one of the boxes, everyone pushed me out of the way and started attacking the pizza.

“Rude,” I mumbled, before finally getting the chance to grab a piece of it.

After eating, we all sat in the living room. I would look at Ali intently, and couldn’t help but smile. She was so beautiful and her personality made her gorgeous. I might be

falling for her.

“Okay, well, I’m getting’ tired. I’m going to bed. Night, guys,” CJ said, jumping up and kissing Liam’s cheek.

“I am too,” Ali jumped up as well.

“Ali, wait,” I said and she turned around. I get off the couch and stand in front of her. Slowly, I lean my head down and kiss her cheek.

“Good night,” I whispered, smiling. She smiled back as everyone whistled, and CJ clapped.

“Night, Lou. Love you,” CJ said, hugging Louis.

“Love you too,”  he replied as the girls disappeared into the hallway, leaving us guys

alone in silence.

“I think I’m going to bed too,” Harry jumped off the couch, “Night, guys.”

“Baby Cakes, wait for me!” Louis exclaimed, jumping up and running after him.

“I guess I’ll get going to bed. Night, guys,” Zayn stated as started trudging up the steps.

“Then there was two,” Liam jokes, chuckling and normally I would laugh, but I was too busy in a daze, “What’s up, mate? It seems like you’ve been in a daze since you kissed Ali’s cheek,” I just stayed quiet as I shrugged, “Oooh, you’re in love.”

“Psh, so are you!” I replied.

“Huh?” he questioned.

“Oh, shut up. You know what I’m talking about, Mr. CJ-and-I-will-get-married-one-day,” I remarked and Liam blushed and I chuckled.

“Oh, yeah. CJ…” he smiled dreamily and I roll my eyes, “Dude, just admit you like Ali!”

“Shhh! Keep it down! She might hear! And yes, I think I like Ali,” I admitted

“Think?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Alright, I like Ali. So what?”

“So what?” Liam repeated, “Niall, you’ve been single for a while now. It’s time for you to find a good girl like Ali, and take a chance.”

“Man, you know how still feel about Julia,” I said, looking down.

Julia was my ex-girlfriend. I had to break up with her before I auditioned for the X-Factor. She was amazing and I still might have feelings for her. But when I saw Ali, I think some of them went away.

“Niall, listen,” Liam sighed, “I know that you miss Julia, but you have to move on, date other girls until you find the one, and be happy. I could tell that when you laid eyes on Ali, your feelings for Julia washed away.”

“Well, some of them did. I mean, come on, it’s not like Ali likes me,” I said.

“Oh my gosh, dude, what are you saying? She totally likes you! CJ told me how she was freaking out over you,” Liam said and I couldn’t help but smile as a blush come over my cheeks.

“Really?” I asked.

“Really,” he repeated.

“Okay, I’ll try to move on from Julia and think about Ali,” I smiled a bit.

“Now you’re talking! I wish you the best of luck, mate,” Liam stood up, “I’m going to bed. Night.”

“Night,” I replied and stayed on the couch for a second.

A minute later, I finally stood up and walked upstairs. I got ready for bed before laying down and dreaming of Ali Miller.

My Prince Charming: A Liam Payne Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora