Before they could exit the room, Gabriel shook himself from his thoughts and clapped his hands together loudly again. "Alright, you lot, get the fuck out. Me and my doll have business to attend to."

"Aw." Luke's earlier good nature crumbled before my eyes and he suddenly looked extremely distraught. "I thought tonight we were gonna play a game? Doesn't she wanna a play game with us?"

From the looks passed between several of the guys, I had a feeling playing a game with this lot would not be a pleasant experience so I was relieved when Owen shook his head. "Game night will be postponed. Best to leave her to get used to her new home, Lucian. We wouldn't want her ruining our enjoyment with her rabid instincts."

Rabid instincts? Excuse me?

I made a rude noise as I glared at the perfect suit clad figure and he held my gaze firmly. I jutted my chin out in defiance, refusing to look away first. He took a few steps closer till he was standing next to Gabriel, though he didn't look away either. It was a battle of wills, one that I could tell he was used to winning. He'd never met me though, so he should know I don't back down easily. He wanted rabid instincts, I would give him rabid instincts.

"Are you sure you don't want me to train her, Gabriel?" He said, his grey eyes hardening in displeasure as I straightened my spine and crossed my arms over my chest, never breaking eye contact. "She won't play nicely."

Gabriel waved him off. "Fuck, no. She's got spunk! I don't want you breaking her."

"Ah, but that's where the beauty lies," his voice dropped to a croon, "in the breaking."

I unfolded myself as I rose slowly from the bed and I could feel the tension in the room tighten. It was as if everyone had taken a deep breath and was waiting to exhale. You could cut the anticipation with a knife.

"I don't break easily." I ground out between clenched teeth.

The tips of his mouth tipped up slightly in a millimeter smile that made him look absolutely sinister and more than a little sexy. "We'll see." He murmured, tipping his head to one side. "Now, be a good girl and sit."

He said the last word like a command you would give a dog and my vision tinted red as the rage that I'd been containing this whole time bubbled over. Oh, hell no! I knew I was supposed to keep a cool head, but there was no stopping the creature in my chest from surging forward with a snarl sending my body flying at Owen as I imagined ripping his perfect silver eyes out. If he wanted to treat me like an animal, I'd show him just how dangerous an animal I could be.

I heard several exclamations of warning as I lunged, though I didn't know whether they were directed at me or Owen, but it didn't seem to matter as he moved so quickly I couldn't track him. Before I could even land a scratch, I was grabbed roughly, my body jerked around until I found myself quickly incapacitated. A hand was fisted firmly in my hair tangling and pulling sharply as one of my arms was yanked back behind me in such a way that made agony rip through my shoulder and down my spine. I couldn't stop the yelp of pain from escaping as I bent over at the waist trying to ease the ungodly pain, but his grip only strengthened and I swore he was going to break my arm.

Gabriel was cursing loudly and yelling about how he didn't want me broken or my hair ruined, but I was too pissed to care. I felt my face flush with mortification at the position I found myself in and I struggled uselessly against Owen's powerful grip. He tightened his grasp and I felt my shoulder complain sharply and I froze for fear of pulling it out of its socket.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Owen berated me as he held me securely at his mercy. "Bad girl."

I heard several nervous chuckles sound around me along with Gabriel's continued complaints, but it was khaki slacks that filled my vision as Kota crouched down to meet me at eye level. He pushed his glasses up his nose with his middle finger as he studied me before giving me a small pleased smile. "There she is." He said, moving his hand out to pat my head. "I wondered when you'd come out to play."

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