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All hell breaks loose, when the boys get home and realize that Jimin is no where to be found. They search everywhere and immediately call the police when they can't find him or reach him by phone.  They also call Manager Hyung back to the dorm. The police and Manager Hyung both arrive at the same time. The boys are in an absolute panic.

"Where is Jimin!?" Yoongi says, pacing back and forth to Manager Hyung, who is surprised by the question.

"He's not here?" Manager Hyung asks, confused.

"Hell no! You were the last one to see him! Where is he!" Yoongi says, approaching the Manager.

Namjoon holds him back. The police officer steps forward. Putting his hands out. In a stop motion.

"We need everyone to calm down." The officer says. "Who was the last one to see Jimin?"

"I guess, I was?" The Manager says, still a little confused about what was going on.

"Tell me what happen the last time you saw Park Jimin. The officer asks, pulling out his pin and note pad.

"Wait. Is Jimin missing!?" Manager Hyung asks, worriedly.

"Again, you were the last one to see him! You tell us!" Yoongi says, almost yelling. "If something happens to Jimin, I swear to God more than just your job is on the line."

"Why are you upset with me?" Manager Hyung says, getting upset himself.

"Because your the one who's suppose to make sure Jimin gets home safe and now he's missing."

"Are you upset with me? Or yourself? Why didn't any of you go home with him? We were all aware that Jimin had a crazy person stalking him. Let's just be honest here. We all let our guard down. I take my job very seriously. Don't ever lecture me about what my roles and responsibilities are! Like I'm the one falling short. I know how to do my job! I made sure he got home safe, but what happened to him after getting out the van and making it inside the dorm is beyond me. He was acting strange. He literally would not let me walk him in. I didn't have a choice. I had to let him go!"

"What do you mean you had to let him go!" Yoongi says, still upset.

"I let him walk back into the dorm by himself! It was strange yes, but all of you have been acting strange for weeks! And every time I try to get answers, or find out what's going on with all of you, you cut me off! What is it? I've been asking myself that for weeks! What is it? What could it be? Is it that they don't trust me? I can't see how that's possible since I've been with you from the beginning! I have never given you a reason to doubt me! Nor have I ever fell short in doing my job!" Manager Hyung finally snaps.

"Please, everybody let's just calm down." The officer says, interrupting again talking to Yoongi. "If you make him upset he's less likely to remember what we need him to remember." The officer says, turning back to Manager Hyung.

Namjoon walks towards Manager Hyung.

"We're sorry and we do trust you. We just had to get somethings together among ourselves first. We're sorry we left you out." Namjoon says.

"Okay." The officer says, trying to get back in the conversation.

"Tell me what happened the last time you saw Park Jimin."

Manager Hyung takes a deep breath, still trying to calm down from the heated exchange he just had with Yoongi, but feeling better after the apology from Namjoon.

"We arrived back to the dorm, I don't know maybe around 11:30-12ish? I  usually walk them in......Jimin into the dorm, but this time he wouldn't let me." Manager Hyung says. Looking at Yoongi.

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