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The boys are sleeping in the van as they wait for Jimin to come out of Dr. Samonts office. Only Tae pops his eyes open when Jimin gets in. It's a short ride to the O2 Arena and it was the first time Jimin got a chance to enjoy the scenery of London.

The buildings all look completely different from the ones back home, but he likes them. It's how he felt London should look. The boys are excited to perform at the 02 Arena since it's their first time performing there.

Shortly after they arrive, their manager quickly gets them to the waiting area to start the live check and run through. Once everything is finished. They still had several hours to kill.

Jimin and Namjoon have both talked about doing something nice for their managers and dancers for a while and  they keep getting called out by the crew.  Jimin and Namjoon know that they've been promising them lunch for a while and knew that today would be a perfect day.

Jimin and Namjoon were able to reserve a super famous restaurant called Nandos. The boys, their managers and the dancers were really excited to eat there.

They reserve a tour bus that happened to have just enough room for the boys, security, managers and the dancers to fit as they all board the bus.

The bus is alive with chatter and laughter. The experience is very special for them as they don't get many chances to hang out in a relaxed atmosphere with their crew and eat.

They have fun all the way to the restaurant. When they get there, the boys spread out among the dancers and managers so all of them can interact. It doesn't take them long to figure out what they like and order off the menu.

"I heard the grilled chicken is really good here." Jimin says, talking to some of the dancers who sat across from him.

"I think we all ordered the grilled chicken." One of the managers replies.

"Really! Wow! Let's hope it's good." Jimin says, smiling.


The Stalker couldn't take it. It's almost frustratingly impossible for him to stay in his seat. He smiles as the others talk to him.

He conversates just enough to appear engage but every part of him is screaming, as he watches Jimin in the restaurant. It's one thing to watch him from far away, but sitting this close up and personal for so long, is snapping at his self control.

'Ahhh' He breathes in. 'If I could hurt him, just a little.' His eyes close for a second, as he relishes the thought. The thought of breaking Jimins arm or strangling him till he passes out, almost brings the Stalker so much satisfaction that it's hard to hide his real smile.

'Beautiful people need to be hurt. It's the price they have to pay for such beauty.' He thinks.

The Stalker never noticed men before and none of his victims have ever been men, but the moment he saw Jimin, he got that feeling. That glorious feeling that connects him to his next victim and it was so strong with Jimin that he couldn't ignore it.

He's only had this feeling three other times before and how he so enjoyed the last moments of their lives. He's been prolonging his desire to strip Jimin of his beauty.

'Why? Why is a man that beautiful?' He contemplates as he moves the food around on his plate. He realizes that he has pushed himself past his limits and it's only a matter of time before he has to have his moment with Jimin and O'how he wants that moment to last.

'Women are weak.' He thinks. His victims were all women and they never lasted more than a week, but Jimin?................he couldn't resist glancing over at him. 'How long would he last? Control yourself.' He thinks.

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