Extra curriculars

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Natsu pov
The guy with the pocket knife lunged at me,but stopped in his tracks when he heard a police siren. He tried to run,but was cornered by several policemen in a matter of seconds. Lucy must have called the cops since I was being interrogated in the middle of the street shortly after they arrived. The whole event went pretty smoothly and I returned home. "Where have you been it's eleven o'clock at night!" Zeref was standing at the bottom of the stairs when I walked in. "I got caught up in a problem." "Like what explain yourself...now!" "*sigh* I had to follow Lucy back home because I didn't feel safe having her walk home alone and some guy with a knife tried to kidnap her. I had to fight the guy,but before the fight finished,Lucy must've called the cops,who then interrogated me. The end." Zeref was scowling then his expression changed. "Well it's a good thing that you both returned home safe. Just go to bed and make sure your not late tomorrow." "You got it,goodnight." I headed up the stairs and went to bed.

I woke up five minutes early and took a shower Wendy soon followed after and we both ate breakfast together. We jumped on my motorcycle and arrived at school. I went straight to the school bulletin board to check out the results of the lacrosse tryouts. My name was first on the list. "Nice job Pyro looks like ya made the team." Gray was standing beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. "You too Ice princess." We were both grinning at each other then Lucy walked up to us. "I'm guessing by that grin you made the team?" "You bet, I never asked,but are you apart of any after school things?" "Wait she didn't tell you?" "Tell me what,what didn't you tell me?" Gray and I were looking at Lucy waiting for an answer when she finally spoke. "I'm captain of the dance team." "What!" "Yeah I guess I forgot to tell you sorry." I looked at Lucy in disbelief. "That's why you were so good at the dance game at the sleepover." "Yeah,but not good enough to beat Gray." She giggled a little bit but then Gray interrupted her. "I know you were going easy on me. You should see her during games and pep rally's she's the best out there." "Stop,I'm not that good." Lucy was blushing and we were all laughing then Levy walked up. "Hey guys." "Hey Levy so are you joining anything?" I asked since we were still talking about after school things. "Yeah I'm gonna run the book club this year." "If there's one thing the shrimp here loves it's definitely books." Gajeel walked up behind her putting his arm around her shoulders. "You got that right she finished a whole book series in two days." Lucy said while smiling at Levy. "Gajeel what do you do after school?" "I'm in the metal shop club." "That's a club?" I had never heard of a club like that before. "Yeah since they don't have enough money in the budget for a metal shop class they made it a club. I run it and I make a lot of the metal art seen around the school." "He even made me this ring." Levy showed us her hand and it had a little ring that had the letters G and L engraved in it. "Hello everyone." Juvia walked up behind us and joined our circle. "Hey Juvia you ready for the swim meet Thursday?" Levy said and Juvia nodded. "Yes and I'm even more excited for next year since I'll be captain." "Nice,I'll be right back guys I have to go put up the dance team tryout fliers." "I'll come help you Luce." I started after her,but she stopped me. "Thanks,but I got it." She left the group and everyone exchanged worried looks. "Is she ok Salamander?" "No, she told me this might be her last year at Fairy Tail High. She was pretty upset about it yesterday."  I rubbed the back of my head recalling what happened last night. "She's transferring,no way!" Gray was staring at me in disbelief "Yeah I know." "You said might right? There's a chance she might might not right?" Levy was starting to get frantic. "Yeah,but it was her dad that made this decision,so I'm pretty sure that she's going to be transferring." "Where is she going?" "Crocus." Everyone had worried looks on their faces . "That's a four hour drive." Juvia said while looking at me."Yeah,and after this school year she won't  come back to magnolia if her father decides to make her transfer." "Man,this sucks." "Yeah,but we have to stay strong for her. I'm sure everything will work out and even if she moves we can always visit her." I gave a toothy grin to try and lighten the mood which seemed to help. The bell rang and we all split up to go to our classes. Lucy wasn't in her seat,but then the announcements came on. "Good morning students I hope you all had a good weekend. For lunch today we are serving burgers and chicken,with a choice of assorted fruits and vegetables. As well as salad and assorted drinks. Now we have an announcement from the captain of the dance team." Lucy came onto the loud speaker." Good morning my name is Lucy Heartfelia and I'm here to tell you about our dance team the Fairies. We are a collection of students,male and female, that perform at sports games and pep rally's. This year we are hoping to take our dance team to a competitive level. If you are interested in trying out please come see me at lunch today in the gym to sign up for tryouts which are tomorrow after school. Thank you for listening and have a nice day." "Thank you Ms. Heartfelia,and congratulations to those who made the lacrosse team. The results of those tryouts were posted on the bulletin outside the gym.That's all for today and don't forget to live you life the Fairy Tail way!" The announcements ended and Lucy walked in shortly after. "Alright class today we'll be learning about the French Revolution." Our history teacher Mr. Gildarts began to talk.

(Time skip to lunch)

Lucy POV
I left the class to go to the gym and saw Natsu already standing there waiting. "I bought you a salad from the cafe we like." He grinned while holding up a plastic bag. "Aww that's so sweet,thanks." "No prob,you want me to sit with you?" "Sure,you get to see the audition dance,but it's a work in progress so don't judge." I waved my finger in front of his face. Then walked into the gym I saw several people who were already inside and one of them was Wendy. "Hey Wendy,I didn't know you were a dancer." "Yeah,but I'm not that good I just want to try out for fun." Wendy smiled and I smiled back at her. "Well here's the audition form I need you to bring a print out of your report card and get this signed by a parent or guardian. Bring those back here tomorrow after school and you can audition." "Ok thanks Lucy,see you later." "Bye Wendy." Wendy left the gym and I stood up and stretched since I was gonna try and work on the audition dance. I wanted the dance to be girly but easy enumerated for guys to do so I had to think."I can start with a jump then move into a kick ball change... no that won't look right. I'll do a jump out then some shoulder pops." I was speaking out loud while imagining what the dance would look like in my head then I did what I was imagining. "Five,six,seven,eight...one,two,three,four." I jumped out while whipping my arms out in front of me. Then I popped my shoulders up and down three times. "So what are you mumbling over there?" Natsu said while eating his sandwich. "I'm practicing moves and adding counts to them so I can make the audition dance." I walked over to him and sat down since I was having a bit of dancers block. I opened the container that had my salad in it. "Oh yeah I got you this it's a little treat since you've been doing well with being healthy." He handed me a to-go cup with a straw in it and I took a sip. "How'd you know strawberry milkshake was my favorite." "Lucky guess I noticed you really like stuff with strawberries so I kinda just figured that might be your favorite flavor." "That's Natsu." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and started to eat my salad. More people came and went for permission slips and info about the tryouts. I explained everything to them then lunch ended. "We had a really good turnout this year." "Really,glad to hear." Natsu and I were walking to our last class of the day in the crowded hallway. While we walked I saw a flier that caught my eye. It was a homecoming flier. This might be my last homecoming at Fairy Tail High. I was thinking but was soon snapped out of my thoughts by a voice behind me. "Hey Lucy!"

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