Going home

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Lucy POV
Natsu and I spent the whole day together Wednesday in his room. We watched a bunch of movies and cuddled all day it was a great. Then on our last day the whole group went to the beach again. Everyone acted normal but one thing that made me really me was Gray and Juvia were talking to each other more. As for what happened the night I got kicked out of my own room the two were apparently "watching movies". I didn't believe them ,but also didn't want to know what actually happened so I just left it alone. Now it was our day of departure and we were all sitting with out seating partners.

(Normal time)

Natsu and I were sitting together I was reading that book I was reading when we were driving to the beach. "Hey, Princess..." Natsu lightly poked my cheek I looked up in response. "Hmm?" "I'm tired you mind if I use your head as a pillow?" Natsu said while rubbing his eyes a little. Sometimes he acted so cute almost like a child." Of course I don't mind." "Thanks goodnight." I rubbed his head while peering back into my book. We stopped at a rest stop about two hours down the road and Natsu was still fast asleep." Natsu,wake up were at a rest stop and I need to use the bathroom." "Mmmm, just a little longer." Natsu was half asleep. "Natsu please wake up if you don't I might not make it to the bathroom." I had to go pretty bad at this point and his head was really heavy. "Natsu I'm not kidding seriously I need to go." "Ok I'm getting up." We both got off the bus and did our business . I swear I almost peed myself and it didn't help that I was in a skirt. When I got back on the bus Natsu was waiting for me so that he could fall asleep on my head again. I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder." You didn't ask if you could do that." "I shouldn't have to seeing that your gonna do the same thing on my head." I looked up at him pouting a little bit." Your right." He grinned down at me and the put his arm around me. I leaned my head back on his shoulder and he leaned his head on mine and we both fell asleep.

Juvia POV
Gray and I were seat partners and it's not as awkward as most would think. We were talking and I accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder, but he didn't seem to mind. We we're talking about the trip and what our favorite parts were. Mine was the sunset and his was the beach." I enjoyed that part as well everyone looked like they were having a lot of fun." I smiled softly as I agreed with him. "That sunset was really nice too." He rubbed the back of his head. That awkward silence came where neither of us knew what to say. It isn't as bad though because usually we just start doing our own thing. "Wanna listen to some music with me?" "Sure." I accepted the ear bud he had out and we started listening to music. The song played and I hummed along to the familiar melody. Gray stared out the window.

Romeo POV
Wendy and I weren't seat partners, but we were sitting across from each other. "Romeo what was your favorite part of the trip?" "When we spent the whole day together." Wendy smiled at my response." Me to." Wendy's seat partner Cana jumped into our conversation. "You two are cute ,but you just need to kiss already." Wendy and I blushed at the comment.We hadn't kissed yet even though we'd been together for a bit. After that we both didn't talk to each other for a bit.

Levy POV
Gajeel and I were sitting together and I was reading one of the new books he got me. "Your book good Shrimp?" I always hated that nickname." Yeah thank you for buying it." "Tch ,whatever if I hadn't you probably would've started crying." He looked away out the window. "Yeah sorry again for causing a scene." I looked down remembering the embarrassing memory. "I told you it's fine,but you could've just gotten the books back home." "Yeah but I read fast I finished a whole series in two days before remember." "Yeah I know, you bring it up every time you make me buy you a new one." He grumbled still looking out the window. "At least you buy me books.I don't think most guys would buy me one every time I ask." "That's because most guys don't love you as much as I do." He ruffled my hair and stared down at me. I loved this soft part of Gajeel he usually puts on a tough guy act,but I love both sides of him. "Hey Shrimp you might wanna wake up those two since we're almost at school." Gajeel was pointing at Natsu and Lucy who were passed out in each other's arms. "Yeah I guess so." I took out my phone first so I could get a picture. "Lu wake up we're almost at school." I was shaking her leg,but she just moved them closer to Natsu. I sighed and decided to try and get Natsu up instead." Hey Natsu get up." U shook his arm and he started to respond. He yawned and stretched his arms. "Yo what's up?" "I need you to wake your girlfriend we're almost at school." He looked down at Lu who was still snuggled up against him sleeping. "Princess you need to wake up come on." He started poking her cheek. "Mmm...five more minutes...please." "No you need to get up now. Geez how are you not late to school everyday?" He was moving her off of him. "No..." Lu latched herself onto Natsu's torso.

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