Something Important.

Start from the beginning

Anyways, my alarm isn’t just good for helping me have a healthy lifestyle, but, it also saves me from some nightmares I tend to have on occasion … he, he, he … um, well, I think that’s enough of that.  What was I talking about again?  Oh yeah!  I was getting up.  

I reached over to turn off my alarm.  I turned over onto my back, and decided to spare a few second. I just laid there, lost in my own thoughts.

Well, here’s to yet another day of total ignorance … yay … I can hardly wait.

I thought that every morning, always with a slight bit of hope that I was wrong.  Unfortunately, I was always right.

I finished a large part of my routine, and made my way downstairs for breakfast.  I sat down at the dining table, and I was surprised to see that my father wasn’t up yet.  He usually gets up early and goes by his own routine. Then, makes his way downstairs to make breakfast for the two of us.

Well, except for when he overworked the night before.  And, for when he had talked to my mom the night before.

I sighed, hoping it wasn’t the latter.  He really didn’t need that kind of stress right now, that much I knew for a fact.

Oh, please don’t let it be that mom called him … I beg of you, please …

The sound of someone yawning pulled me from my train of thought, and I focused my attention towards the staircase, and I saw my dad walking down them.  

I smiled and giggled a little, seeing him walking downstairs, rubbing his eyes, and yawning.  His short wavy brown hair a little messed up from just getting out of bed.  He reminded me of a little kid.  

“Good morning.”  I said.  A friendly smile plastered across my face.

He opened his eyes, and looked at me.  He gave me a warm smile, before making his way over to me, and planting a kiss on my forehead.  “Good morning sweetie,” he said without sitting down. I watched as he made his way over to the counter to put on a pot of coffee.  

“So, to what do I owe this slightly late morning?”  I asked, letting out a small chuckle.  

He turned around and leaned against the counter top.  He closed his eyes, and chuckled a little himself.  “You’re mother called last night.”  

Dammit … life, you really do hate me don’t you?

“What now?”  

He opened his eyes, and looked upwards, while running a hand through his messy hair.  “She’s wanting you to come and visit her this summer.”  

I sighed.  “I suppose you want me to go, right?”  I asked, letting my head hang.  

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do Winter.  If you want to go, than go, if you don’t, then you don’t have to.”

I smiled at him.  “Thanks, if it’s not too much trouble, than I’d rather not go.  I’m not really wanting to be over there. If I do go, I'll probably be introduced to, yet, another boyfriend.”

Oh yeah, one thing I’ve yet to explain, is that my parents are separated.  This year, it will have been seven years they’ve been spilt.  

You want to know why they split up?  

Two words, my mother.  

She didn’t like the fact that my father was a writer, and did all of his work at home.  She was convinced that, because he worked at home, that she did most of the work and brought in most of the money for bills.  

It eventually got to the point to where she began to nag him about it.  Then, naging turned into arguments, and then arguments turned into a messy divorce, which, ultimately turned into an annulment, so it was like their marriage never even happened in the first place.

Don’t even get me started on the whole custody over me bit.  Let’s just say that, my dad got everything, and my mom got nothing.  Also that, I’m kind of glad it turned out that way.  


Well, in case you haven’t gotten the picture, my mother is a little difficult to be around.  And if she found out that I’m wanting to take after my dad and be a published writer someday, she would flip.  It’s just the way she is, and I know she can’t help it.  I do love her, but she’s just … well, there really isn’t any word to describe what she is

He chuckled a little.  “Yeah, I know what you mean.  Her and her short relationships … well, I can’t really blame you for wanting to stay here.  After all, I happen to be the most awesome dad in the world.”  He said, pointing his thumb back at himself, and wearing a big, goofy smile on his face.  

I giggled.  

“We’ll have an awesome, fun filled summer.” He said proudly, still smiling.  

I smiled too.  I love my father so much.  He’s a very kind, considerate, silly and above all, sweet man.  He always manages to bring a smile to my face, even when I’m in the darkest of moods.  And he almost always takes my side, no matter what.  

Well, maybe sometimes he doesn’t, but, that usually only happens when he’s trying to do what is best for me.  All in all though, he really is, in his own words, the most awesome dad in the world.  One that I’d never give up for anything.  

After breakfast, I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek, and headed for the front door to leave.

Before I walked out of the house though, my dad caught up with me, and stopped me.

“Hey, I almost forgot.  I needed to tell you something important.”  He said.  


And there you have it! ^-^

I'm sorry if it seams like this is going a little slow. But, keep in mind that I do have more planed for this, so, yeah.

Also, I'm gonna start doing what my friends do as far as updating is concerned, and update whenever a certain amount of votes are received.

So, for this chapter, let's say ... 8 more votes. That sounds about fair.

Okay then, so once this story reaches 14 votes, I'll update it. ^-^

I really do hope you liked this, and that you'll stick around to read more! ^-^

Please comment, and let me know what you think! ^-^

Bye-bye for now! ^-^

                        - TheFirstWinterSnow

(Cover and Banner made by TheRiverRunsDeep)

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