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Bottles of fear and worry and saddness line the walls of her mind. One small shake and they could come crashing down. She lives every day adding bottles to the shelves. People show that she isn't good enough. A bottle is filled and placed on the shelf. They mock her fears. A bottle is filled and placed. They tell her that she acts like she rules the world. Bottles pile up to the roof of her mind. She lives in fear that the bottles will crash down. She fears the mess it will make. One more bottle and it will all fall. Her dad tells her to watch her weight. Once the bottle touches the shelf, it falls. Bottles left and right crashing on the ground. Shards of glass slice her imperfect skin. A flood of tears fall. The next day, the shelves are back. Empty. Through out the day, they fill up again. In a few days it happens again. The cycle repeats, until she doesnt want to clean it up anymore. She doesn't want to deal with that broken glass any more. She doesn't want to wash away the blood any more. She ends the chaos.

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