Chapter 28:

500 11 17

~One Month Later~

Jungkook's POV:

"Kookie hurry I thought your going to surprise Joon Hye at her dorm?" I was at the airport finally that tour is now done which means I can focus now on my Jagi~~~

"Okay okay wait I'm waiting for Jimin Hyung his taking long at the bathroom" I said while impatiently tapping my foot

"Okay okay I already told Manager that your going to Joon Hye's dorm and to get another Van for us to ride on" I smiled and nodded

"Oh the van is here bye guys!!" I said as I entered the van

"Ah Driver Nim can you stop at Royce Chocolate?" I look at rear mirror and saw the driver nodded, the vans started moving and I smiled

'I'm finally going to meet Joon Hye for 1 month!!' I started to fan boy inside 

"Kookie we're here now"Driver Nim said and I wore my black mouth mask and went out 

"I hope no one recognize me" I murmured and entered the shop

  ~Royce Chocolate~  

"Good Morning Sir what would you like?" The lady asked and I smiled

"What's your best selling chocolates here?" I asked and she guide towards the chocolates

"Our best selling chocolates are Maccha and Mild Milk chocolates sir" The lady showed me the chocolates and I nodded

"I'll take both" She smiled and went to the counter

"That was fast" Driver Nim said as I entered the Van

"Hehe now please take me to Joon Hye's dorm" He nodded and I smiled

'I'm so excited!!' I thought and look at the paper bag again

"I hope Jagi likes this" I murmured and look out the window

~Outside Joon Hye's Dorm~

"Oh good thing they keep the key under the carpet, still aish this girls" I said and put up the key witch was under the carpet

"Good thing Joon Hye told me about this" I said and open the door

"Wow their dorm is nice for a rookie group" I said and look around the rooms

"Um.. which is Joon Hye's room" I said and think for awhile

"Maybe it's the last one" I said and run towards the end of the hallway

"Oh I'm right" I saw a sign saying 'Joon Hye's Room', as I entered the room my eyes widen

"Wait did they move out? Where's Joon Hye's things?" I asked and saw only the bed with whites sheets and nothing else, while except for the furniture it's still there

"Did they perhaps got robbed?" I asked and laugh

"Why did they only rob Joon Hye's room unbelievable" I said and decided to look at the other members room, not being a byuntae or anything just checking if they really move out

"This is Ji Yeon's room and there is still her stuff, but what happen to Joon Hye's room?" I asked and close the door, after I check the rooms I went back to Joon Hye's room and lay down on her bed

"Where are you Jagi~" I asked and grab a pillow from my above and which created a paper noise?

"What is it?" I sit up and look at a sticky note?

"Incheon Airport, flight no 1J920, departure time 11 in the afternoon" As I read the message my eyes widen

"Wait no no she shouldn't have told me right?" I glance at the clock and it was already 10:30 am

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