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(the first part is not really important but the second part is soo.. please read it)
Omg guys did you saw the trailer? Oh gosh!!! All of them are  soooo soooo handme the girls there are soo damn lucky!!! I WISH I WAS THAT GIRL!!!! I was like at school awhile ago and then I notice that my classmate kept on talking about bts and some new trailer and I was like "What the hell? There's a new trailer?" And they were like "yep", I onlu watched Jin and Jungkook's part and the whole day I really wanted to go home because I wanted to watched the whole trailer and when I got home that's the first thing I did lol I even forget to tell my parents that I'm home lol.

Guys...our summative test is tomorrow until Saturday 😥😫😲 I will maybe update my books on 12 in the afternoon (on Philippines time) on saturday or maybe 1 because I need to study I hope you guys understand me and please pray for your dear Author Nim!!! 🙋 Please I really need you prayers lol Guys I hope you still support my book hehe. Comment to wish me good luck I hope I can pass the 12 or 13 subjects I'm going to take an exam on please please I need your good luck thanks Lub you guys!!!❤ Heateu!!

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